Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Today was such a nice day, so we went downtown this afternoon and walked around and got some dinner.  The babies were doing great while we were waiting on our food.  This all changed when they saw us eating. They wanted our food... they didn't want the puffs I was trying to give them. They started screaming, and it got louder and louder! It's safe to say they caused a scene. Luckily it was a small place so there were only a few other people in there.  Scott had pizza so he ended up having to give them some crust to chew on. This did the trick! Then, it was time to take it away so we could leave. This caused scene number 2. Fischer, especially, was NOT happy.  Now we are going to have to take "real food" they can chew on while we are eating whenever we go out. We are thinking celery or carrot sticks. I was so nervous they were going to actually get a piece of the crust off and choke since they can't really chew stuff up yet.  They are certainly ready big people food though.

I think Addison is taking a break from trying to crawl... her latest project is trying to go from laying down into a sitting position. She can almost get all the way up, but can't quite figure out how to get her one leg out in front of her.  She has so many new things going on at once!  She has slept great the past 2 nights, so I'm wondering if all of her new activities are tiring her out more! I hope so! Fischer, as usual, sleeps great every night! 

In other news, we are having a yard sale this Saturday. We have a lot of baby clothes to get rid of, and some other baby items that we don't use anymore.  Going through all of their stuff has been weird and somewhat emotional for me, so I hope I don't start crying on Saturday when a shopper wants to buy a tiny onsie or the pack of leftover preemie diapers we had in the closet (which I kept 2 of)! I will be sure to let you know how that goes. :) 

Monday, September 28, 2009

Another weekend has come and gone! They go so fast, and it's always hard to fit everything in that we want to do.  The babies had a lot of floor time, which gave Addison plenty of  time to work on her crawling. She isn't actually crawling yet, but she is so close. She has started moving both knees forward at the same time, so it's more like a tiny hop. She looks like a little frog. You can tell she is trying to move one knee... then she gets frustrated and falls on her stomach and scoots to where she wants to go.  She's working hard though! Here is a little video of her in position.

Fischer is happy to just sit back and watch Addison do all of the work. We think he is just going to up and crawl one day after watching her. We think he'll do the same with sitting... she is working very hard to sit on her own. She's up to about 30 seconds at times, and getting more sturdy everyday.  Fischer just watches, but has no desire right now to try - when I let go of him he just falls to the side. Again, I think he's watching her do all of the work, then will just sit one day.  He loves to roll around everywhere and he still loves kicking his legs. 

They are both really enjoying the activity centers/bouncers we have right now. They've learned how to turn themselves around in the seats, and now play with all of the toys that are there. They love to face each other in them and "talk" while they are playing. It's very cute, and they crack each other up sometimes! It just amazes me that one day they couldn't turn themselves around in the seat and the next they could. And one day they couldn't make themselves bounce in there, but the next day they could do it. Babies are amazing little creatures. :)

Yesterday we took them to the little playground in our neighborhood and let them swing for the first time. I really thought they'd love it! They didn't hate it, but seemed very confused. We will go back soon to try again. Here are some pictures... we had to put them in the swings backwards because the sun was so bright and would've been in their eyes.

We are now in week three of their formula transition. Things still seem to be going pretty well - we are now up to 3 ounces per bottle! Hopefully within the next few weeks we will have them both on the same formula!! That hasn't happened since they were six weeks old. 

That's about all for now... we are STILL waiting on teeth! 

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Addison was very tired last night! She plays hard!

Both babies are doing great on the increased amount of new formula. Sunday we'll go to 3 ounces per bottle!  We've also been battling leaky diapers at night - we've tried so many kinds of diapers and were still getting leaks. But, I think we finally found one that works!! We bought a pack of the Fisher-Price happy nights diapers, and so far so good.

Grandmom K (Scott's mom) sent a box of books from when Scott was little! It was so nice to get a whole new batch of books to read, and it's neat that they were Scott's.  She will get a chance to read to them a lot soon, because she is coming to visit next week! The babies will enjoy all of the extra attention, and I will enjoy the extra hands. :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

7 months have passed since Addison and Fischer were born. I can't even believe it. I keep hoping things will slow down a little, but so far they haven't. Here is a picture of Addison and Fischer this morning on their 7 month birthday.

In honor of this day, Addison thought it would be good to work on her crawling skills.  She has gotten up on her hand and knees and rocked front to back numerous times today.  With a little more practice, I think she'll be on the go very soon.

Monday, September 21, 2009

We had a few changes take place over the weekend. First of all, we increased to putting two ounces of the new formula in each bottle! The babies did great over the last week with having one ounce of the new formula in each bottle, so we increased to two today. As long as this week goes well, we'll increase to three next Sunday! Secondly, we went today and bought the babies their big-kid car seats! They were getting so heavy to lift in their infant seats. Also, in our front/back double stroller, the one in the back was getting cramped because their feet would hit the car seat in front of them! So, we figured it was time to go ahead and make the change. We went and looked at all the seats Babies R Us had to offer, and finally decided on an Evenflo model. It was middle-of-the-road in cost, and seems like it will be comfortable for them to sit in. These will eventually turn into their booster seats, so should be the last seats we have to buy. However, buying these led to our third change of the weekend... We had to buy a new double stroller. The other car seats would snap into the Snap and Go which was the front/back stroller we would use whenever we had to run errands. We have a side by side jogging stroller, but it's so wide so it's hard to take most places. So, we had to buy a thinner, more practical side by side stroller. This brings our stroller count to five at the moment. I think that's enough for now. :)

So, Scott put the new seats in the car and we headed out this afternoon to give those, and the new stroller, a try. As soon as Scott strapped Addison into the new seat, she started to cry. Maybe she doesn't like change?! She was ok after we gave her her paci and wubbie (that's what we call their blankets). So, we ran our errands (they sat in their new stroller), then I went to strap her into her seat to head home and she cried again. A lot! Hopefully this doesn't happen every time we try to go somewhere now. I think/hope she'll get used to it. Fischer seemed to love the new seat. They sit up higher in them, so they can see out of their windows better and he seemed to really like that. When Scott would turn a corner, Fischer would laugh, then start "talking"! Here they are in their new seats, and their new stroller.

Once we got home, the babies rolled around on the comforter for awhile. We spread toys out and they just roll around and play with the toys. While playing, Addison got up on her hands and knees for the first time!! She only stayed in that position for a second, but she was there! They both get up on their knees a lot, but then usually fall over to the side. Things will be so much different when I have two crawling babies!! Fischer has also started a new "trick." Over the weekend, he started putting his lips together and rubbing them, sort of like he just put on chap stick and is rubbing it all around. Sometimes he even makes a smacking sound while he's doing it. He has also started showing interest in holding his own bottle again. They both were doing it for awhile for a few seconds here and there, then they both stopped. They really do something new everyday!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Last night we went out to eat - we went to a Japanese steakhouse...the kind where they cook in front of you. We thought the babies might like to watch! They really liked watching the steam and the fire! Other than that, they weren't really interested and started getting pretty antsy towards to end of our meal.  When we got home, we got out the comforter and had some family play time! Here are some pictures.

As I was uploading these pictures, I got into the baby jail with Addison. While we were playing, she sat on her own long enough for me to get my camera and take a picture!!!

Sitting on her own, and a little worried about it

Playing with the tags on play mat

Falling over! 

Friday, September 18, 2009

It becomes more obvious everyday how different Addison and Fischer are. Not only do they look different, but their personalities are SO different!! Addison is serious most of the time, and wants to study everything and everyone.  If we hand her a toy, she holds it, turns it over, stares at it, puts it in her mouth, and repeats all of this.  If someone smiles at her, she usually just stares at them, studying everything about their face... it's rare that she smiles back.  I feel like we have to earn her smiles - and that's not always easy!! She makes us work for them! But... once she gets started talking and smiling, she'll go on for awhile. I'm pretty sure that once she starts saying words, she won't ever stop! Fischer, on the other hand, will smile at anyone and anything! He has started laughing a lot more, and is just very laid back. When we hand him a toy, he immediately starts shaking it back and forth, and loves to bang things together.  I am getting the feeling that he is going to be one destructive little boy. He is already very rough with his toys... in the picture below I caught him in the act of flipping his activity mat over.

Fischer is also content to play by himself, while Addison prefers for one of us to be right there watching her, or playing with her. They are starting to play together more, so hopefully that will satisfy her when I'm trying to get housework done!  Here is a picture of Addison playing, but looking very serious and worried about it.

It's so fun watching them develop their individual personalities, and I know their differences will continue to show more and more.

Here are just a few more pictures!

Addison is staring at the frog

Fischer saying hi to the camera

Fischer showing off his toe-sucking abilities

Addison sound asleep during nap time

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fall is my favorite season (yay football season!), even though we don't have much of one in Charleston. I am so ready for the fall weather, and looking forward to spending a lot of time outside with the babies! They are ready for fall in these outfits!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Over the weekend we started the long process of getting the babies on the same formula. We bought a can of the standard similac, and started mixing it in with their current formulas on Sunday. For now we are just putting one ounce of the new formula in each bottle. The first bottle like this caused a little more spit up than normal so we skipped the next bottle, then started again the next morning. So far so good! We will do this until this weekend, and as long as they seem to be tolerating it, we will start mixing 2 ounces in each bottle. We will continue this until the bottles are the new formula only. It would be so nice to have them on the same formula.

This morning we went on a walk, and I looked down and noticed that their feet were in the exact same position in the stroller. Of course I took a picture. It reminded me of when they were just a month or two old, and when they would sleep in their carseats, their heads would be turned to the same side. When one would change sides, the other would change too! How did they know to do that?! They don't do that much anymore, but I guess they like for their feet to be the same sometimes. :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

We went this morning for yet another shot... the babies only have one more, then they are done with shots until their 12 month appointment. Yay! Their weights this morning were Addison at 14 lb. 14 oz. and Fischer 14 lb. 5 oz. Both still had their clothes on when they were weighed today.

Yesterday was my birthday - my first birthday with kids. Weird!! We had a great day just hanging out at home. Last night after their baths, Scott "brushed" their gums... we bought a gum and tooth brushing kit for babies 3 months and older. They didn't seem to mind it - the little brush probably felt good on their gums. We are just preparing for the teeth that seem like they are never going to come. When they had their 6 month checkup, the doctor said she thought teeth would come in about 3 weeks. 3 weeks will be this Thursday, so we'll see if she was right!

I was going to put some pictures of the babies getting their gums brushed, but the picture uploading tool isn't working right. I will try again later.

Addison is really wanting to sit on her own. If we put her in the sitting position and let go, she can sit for maybe 5 or 10 seconds on her own before falling to the side or to the front. She does the tripod stance, where she puts one hand out in front on the floor to help her balance. We'll keep working on it!! Fischer isn't quite as interested yet... he'll sometimes put his hand out there to help him balance but he usually just falls over if we let go. :) It seems like we are waiting for so many big changes to happen all at once - sitting, teeth, crawling.... so much is about to happen and it's all so exciting!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Whenever we are out in public with the babies, we get asked the same questions over and over. I can usually guess what someone is about to ask. Here are the most commonly asked questions, and the answers that I always give.

Are they twins? Yes
Are they identical? Um... no
Were you on fertility drugs? Nope
Do twins run in your family? Nope - twins were a complete surprise
How much did they weigh when they were born? Addison was 4 lb. 7 oz. and Fischer 3 lb. 15 oz.
How much do they weigh now? Around 14 pounds
Do they sleep? Fischer sleeps great at night, and we are still working on Addison
Are you done having kids since you have a boy and a girl? Yes
Man, you have your hands full! (I know that isn't a question, but we hear that all the time.)

Some of the questions can get personal, but the truth is, I love being stopped by people because I love showing off the babies. :) One day, the questions will stop and that will just show me once again how fast they are growing. It amazes me that they will be 7 months old soon. We are creeping towards their year birthday, and I just can't believe how fast it's all going!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Last night we went out to eat and tried the babies out in the restaurant highchairs for the first time. We went to a Mexican place because we knew it would be quick incase the babies freaked out. I bought two of those high chair/shopping cart covers for the big event. They did great! They didn't cry at all and actually sat in them for our whole meal. I brought some toys and some puffs, so they ate a few of those while we ate. The covers sort of swallowed them up, but they will grow into them soon, I'm sure. They have straps on them so you can secure the babies in them, and to me it looks like they have giant backpacks on. :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A year ago today, I headed to my 12 week checkup. Scott was in Chicago, but that was OK since this wasn't a "big" appointment. It was just to check blood pressure, heartbeat, and those kinds of things. Little did we know this would be the biggest appointment of them all.

They called me back, checked my weight and blood pressure, then I waited to see the doctor. She asked how I was feeling, and we discussed my concerns about why I hadn't gained any weight, and if fact had lost 5 pounds. She said this was sometimes common in the first trimester, and just to keep eating! Then she went to listen to the baby's heartbeat and couldn't find it. A friend had told me already that sometimes it would take awhile to find the heartbeat on the handheld doppler, so I didn't worry when she couldn't find it. She finally found it, but also found something else. An extra membrane. She sent me across the hall to check it out on the better ultrasound machine. And sure enough, there was baby #2. I quickly had my reason about why I wasn't gaining weight. I wasn't eating enough for both babies!! The rest of the two hour appointment is sort of a blur, but I remember walking to the car and as soon as I got in I started crying. I don't think I stopped crying for quite some time. So many things were going through my head about carrying and having twins.... the risks of multiple pregnancies, the financial aspects, how we would need two of everything... I even thought about having to buy 2 cars when they are in high school, two college tuitions, etc... I thought about everything. I finally got ahold of Scott and he couldn't have been more excited. We were not on the same page at all!! I came around, but it took a few days. Now I can't imagine having it any other way!

We are so lucky to have two healthy babies! They are doing great and are continuing to do new things everyday. They are so much fun to watch. The past couple days, Addison has really enjoyed watching her hand. She opens it, then closes it, then moves her fingers, then turns her hand upside down. She seems in awe of her own hand! They have both discovered tags on toys.. the little white tags that have washing directions or other information. If we give them a toy, they go straight for the tags and just start chewing on them. Soon we'll have to remove them all.

I am still doing a tooth check every morning, but nothing yet! They are both still getting up on their knees, but haven't quite gotten up on all fours yet. Addison did get up on her knees and elbows on Monday, so I think she's very close! Fischer has really "discovered his voice" lately and does this screaming noise a lot and it is LOUD!! I guess he has a lot to say and wants to be heard.

We go to the Doctor on Monday for another shot, so I'll have a weight update then!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Friday morning I went to a consignment sale and got the babies a few new books and toys! They've had fun playing with their new things, and here are some pictures.

Last night, we gave the babies some peaches in their little mesh bags that lets them get the juice out without actually eating the food. At first we had to hold it for them, but they started to get the hang of it on their own. Once the figured out what they were supposed to do, they really liked it. It quickly became a juicy, sticky mess and we ended up having to do a quick bumbo bath to rinse them off. We may try a new fruit tonight!

And last but not least, Fischer has enough hair now that he can sport a little mohawk when he wants to. This was after his bath and his hair was like this... we didn't style it for him. :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

This is a new face/noise Fischer started last week... we aren't sure where it came from, but it's pretty funny. He does it all the time!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Today is a big day. The babies are experiencing their first Gamecock gameday. They are dressed for the occasion, and very excited for tonight's game. They even wore their Gamecock bibs for lunch today... I hope the fact that they covered them with squash isn't a bad sign. :) They will be in bed for most of the game tonight, but I know they will be cheering from their cribs. They are the cutest little gamecocks!!

They also tried Graduate Puffs for the first time today. We gave them the apple cinnamon flavor. They are supposed to dissolve instantly in their mouths... I tried one first to make sure they dissolved, and that the cinnamon wasn't too strong. It didn't really dissolve that fast in my mouth, but I'm also not drooling buckets like they are. :) They were a little unsure with the first one, but then seemed to like them ok. Fischer kept spitting his out but Addison kept looking at the container for more. I really don't think we'll have eating issues with her.

I've had a taste of fall over the past couple of days and I'm so ready for cooler weather. The babies and I have enjoyed a lot of outdoor time and it's been so nice. Last night the four of us went downtown and walked around, ate dinner outside, then walked around the park afterwards. It was so nice and I can't wait until it cools off for good! Plus, it makes it feel like it's actually football season. Goooo Cocks!!! :)