Scott was out of town most of last week so the kids and I headed to NC to see my parents. It was a short trip, but we had a great time!
We arrived on Monday and spent the afternoon playing. Fischer got to play a lot of baseball with Grandpa since he came home from work early.
Tuesday morning, while Grandpa was at work, we kept ourselves busy with Grandma! The morning was busy with an easter egg hunt and playtime outside.
Then we watched part of
The Lion King while relaxing before lunch. After lunch Grandpa came home and we were ready for our big outing!
We headed to the Kidzu Children's Museum in Chapel Hill. It was small but the kids had a good time! Fischer enjoyed being a construction worker and a chef. He also really enjoyed the area that had a giant magnetic board where you could rearrange the tubes and send balls through them. There were several older kids playing in this area but that didn't bother Fischer at all - he jumped right in.
Addison played in the magnetic area a little bit and then ended up spending the majority of her time in the kitchen. She made us all kinds of food and refilled our tea and coffee cups many, many times.
After the museum we headed to a new playground that was really nice! I didn't take my camera to the playground but Grandpa got one of the kids on a tire swing.
The fun didn't end there! It was time for dinner, and the kids were very excited about getting some fried shrimp - one of their new favorite meals. I ordered some raw oysters as an appetizer... when they arrived, Addison picked one up off of the tray and ate it before any of us could stop her. We were sure she would spit it back out but she swallowed it, smiled and asked for another one!! She ended up eating 4 and was not happy when I cut her off!! A few minutes after, while we were waiting on our food to arrive, Fischer said "where's Sissy's lobster?" Apparently my kids have quite expensive taste! :)

We headed home Wednesday after lunch, but spent the morning playing. We went to the neighborhood playground for awhile. It is so weird to revisit places like that... we took the kids to this same playground a year ago and they weren't able to do much on their own. It has a lot of ladders and they just weren't able to climb them that well. This time, they were able to do everything on their own without any hesitation. They are growing and changing so much!
We had a great time and the kids were already asking to go back by the time we got home. And here is a picture of their living room after the kids arrived - it doesn't take long for them to wreck a room. :)