Speaking of Baby Jesus, they have been doing a lot of role play lately and they are loving playing the roles of Mary and Joseph, and they have a pile of pine straw outside that is Baby Jesus. And Lucy is always a camel. :) It is so funny (and fun!) to listen to them play!
On the 15th, Scott and I got to go to an adult's only party! It was a lot of fun - many thanks to Dianne for watching the kids so we could have a fun night out. We were pretty tired the next day (we didn't get home until 1 am) but it was worth it!
On Sunday, the 16th, we took the kids to a children's Christmas party. They had a great time decorating cookies, cupcakes, watching Polar Express and playing with someone else's toys.

On the 19th, they had their Christmas Program at school. They were both sheep during the program but were supposed to wear white to school. I was surprised they both came out in costume because Fischer was upset he wasn't a donkey and Addison just didn't want to wear it. I guess peer pressure pays off sometimes. Sadly, the videos I took did not turn out at all - they are all completely blurry and you can't see a thing. So, so sad.
It's impossible to see them, but in the picture above, Fischer is on the left and Addison is in the middle. They did an awesome job with their songs! With the other 3 year olds, they sang 2 songs and then sang 2 more with the 4 year old class. Addison's spot on stage was front and center, while Fischer's was right in front of his teacher. Not a coincidence, I'm sure. :) But both got very into the songs and were so proud afterwards. They got to come home early that day and then their Christmas break officially started!
We've had several rainy days so far, which is kind of a bummer. But one day, all 3 kids (Lucy included) pressured me into letting them outside to play. They had the best time getting wet and muddy, and all 3 came right in and got baths (Lucy actually got a shower). It's amazing how much good some fresh air can do, even if it's wet and muddy!

And that brings us to tonight - Christmas Eve! I can't wait until tomorrow morning. We'll see what time the kids get up - they are SO excited!