Monday, January 18, 2010

Last year, I was "busy" laying down. I survived my first weekend at home on bedrest. It wasn't easy - Scott and I were used to going places and doing things on the weekends, so staying at home the whole time was tough. It seemed to be paying off though... my contraction monitor was showing only 1 to 2 contractions per hour, and sometimes even zero. If I got to 5 or 6 contractions in an hour, I would have to give myself an extra dose of medicine and monitor for another hour. If they were still that high, I would most likely be sent to the hospital.

On Friday, I went to visit my friend Christine's 2 week old baby, McKenzie. Even though it wasn't really that long ago that Addison and Fischer were that small, it felt so strange to be holding a tiny newborn.  I spent Friday night with them so that I could help out, but McKenzie has turned out to be such an easy baby so far, that my help wasn't really needed. It was fun getting to spend time with her and her older sister, Madison. It made me realize just how fast time is going and how big Addison and Fischer are getting!

Baby McKenzie

Here is a picture of Fischer's 3rd tooth - we call it his fang. It isn't his front middle tooth, but one off to the side.

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