Tuesday, March 16, 2010

You may wonder why I put a picture of formula on here. It's because this is Addison and Fischer's last can of formula... ever. I can hardly believe it. We've been buying formula for almost 13 months, so it seems strange to not have to buy anymore!  On that note, Fischer is now up to 6 ounces of whole milk, and Addison is up to 5 ounces of soy milk and both are doing great. By this time next week, we will be completely formula-free!

Today was an exciting day! This morning, Addison kept putting her hand on her head, so each time I would say "head."  A little while later, I said "Where's your head?" and she put her hands on her head! And she did it several times throughout the day, so I know it wasn't a fluke. :)  I tried to get Fischer to do it, and each time I would ask him, he would clap.  But then tonight after his bath, I asked him again and he put his hand on his head too! It's so fun when things like this happen.

Both babies have become clapping machines lately. They clap when I say "yay" or "good job." They also clap a lot for no reason at all. It's so cute, and I love watching how excited they get when Scott and I clap too!

I can't wait for more fun things to happen!!

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