Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Addison and Fischer are having a great time at Grandma and Grandpa Suttle's house. As I mentioned before, they turned their living room into a giant playroom, which has worked out very nicely. The babies have been playing hard, and sleeping very well!
My parents also have stairs in their house. Addison and Fischer have never tried to climb stairs before, so we were excited to give it a try. Fischer got to try first, and he just sat on the bottom step. Later that day, we let Addison try and she went up without hesitating at all. She made it to the very top and was quite excited about it. We let Fischer watch Addison, then gave him another try. Not to be outdone, he went right to the top too!
As if that isn't enough excitement, we took them to the Durham Museum of Life and Science yesterday. Most of the activities are geared towards older kids, but we still had fun. It had a large outdoor area that included a lot of animals, which Addison and Fischer loved. They also loved the area inside where they could play with some building blocks. Fischer liked crawling on top of the blocks, while Addison enjoyed sitting in the collection bin.
And the fun doesn't stop there.... Yesterday, Fischer got his 8th tooth, which caused him to have a 102 fever. He's never had a fever from teething, and never had a fever this high. We gave him some Tylenol and the fever went down as fast as it came! It went from 98.8 to 102 in 30 minutes. He was also being extremely clingy, which is very unlike him. I just wish he would cuddle more like that without the fevers! Luckily today, he is feeling all better!
Addison got to try her first taste of apple juice today. I won't go into details as to why she needed it, but we mixed it with water and she seemed to like it just fine! We've been holding off as long as possible on giving them juice, so hopefully she will drink plain water ok tomorrow.
One final accomplishment... Fischer drank from a straw yesterday for the first time! He did it right away, and then wanted to do it again and again!
I am so proud of my babies! :)
My parents also have stairs in their house. Addison and Fischer have never tried to climb stairs before, so we were excited to give it a try. Fischer got to try first, and he just sat on the bottom step. Later that day, we let Addison try and she went up without hesitating at all. She made it to the very top and was quite excited about it. We let Fischer watch Addison, then gave him another try. Not to be outdone, he went right to the top too!
As if that isn't enough excitement, we took them to the Durham Museum of Life and Science yesterday. Most of the activities are geared towards older kids, but we still had fun. It had a large outdoor area that included a lot of animals, which Addison and Fischer loved. They also loved the area inside where they could play with some building blocks. Fischer liked crawling on top of the blocks, while Addison enjoyed sitting in the collection bin.
And the fun doesn't stop there.... Yesterday, Fischer got his 8th tooth, which caused him to have a 102 fever. He's never had a fever from teething, and never had a fever this high. We gave him some Tylenol and the fever went down as fast as it came! It went from 98.8 to 102 in 30 minutes. He was also being extremely clingy, which is very unlike him. I just wish he would cuddle more like that without the fevers! Luckily today, he is feeling all better!
Addison got to try her first taste of apple juice today. I won't go into details as to why she needed it, but we mixed it with water and she seemed to like it just fine! We've been holding off as long as possible on giving them juice, so hopefully she will drink plain water ok tomorrow.
One final accomplishment... Fischer drank from a straw yesterday for the first time! He did it right away, and then wanted to do it again and again!
I am so proud of my babies! :)
Monday, April 26, 2010
Well, we did it. We left our house. Which means, we left Addison and Fischer's first house. I'm pretty sad. But also very excited to start a new chapter in our lives! And I have plenty of pictures to show Addison and Fischer when they are older, so they will see where they lived when they were born.
We are spending the week with my parents so that we are out of the way while the Scott and the movers pack up the truck. I'm sure Addison and Fischer would be happy to help though! They liked helping me pack boxes... I'd put one thing in the box, and they'd pull one thing out. It made packing a long process. :)
My parents turned their living room into a big play room, so the babies are having a great time exploring and playing with the different toys. At some point, I plan to let them "practice" going up and down the stairs here. They've never been on stairs before, so I'm curious to see what they do!
I'll be sure to post some pictures soon of our fun activities!
We are spending the week with my parents so that we are out of the way while the Scott and the movers pack up the truck. I'm sure Addison and Fischer would be happy to help though! They liked helping me pack boxes... I'd put one thing in the box, and they'd pull one thing out. It made packing a long process. :)
My parents turned their living room into a big play room, so the babies are having a great time exploring and playing with the different toys. At some point, I plan to let them "practice" going up and down the stairs here. They've never been on stairs before, so I'm curious to see what they do!
I'll be sure to post some pictures soon of our fun activities!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Just a quick update.... a couple weeks ago, I posted saying Addison got her 6th tooth, and then said she had 4 on the bottom and 3 on top. Last time I checked, 4 plus 3 does not equal 6... :) So, she did get her 6th tooth when I posted that. She NOW has her 7th tooth, and she NOW has 4 on the bottom and 3 on top.
We are doing pretty well with Scott being gone, but we are ready for him to come home. We've gone on several outings, including a trip to the swings today! I think we may just make it through this week, just the 3 of us. :)
We are doing pretty well with Scott being gone, but we are ready for him to come home. We've gone on several outings, including a trip to the swings today! I think we may just make it through this week, just the 3 of us. :)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
With Scott being in Japan and the fact that we are moving in a week, things are extra busy around here. Addison and Fischer are keeping me busy, as usual. On Sunday, Fischer seemed extra determined to walk. He even took 7 steps one time, and 4 steps on many other occasions. Anytime he'd fall, he'd get right back up and try again. Yesterday and today, however, he seems to be taking a break. Maybe his legs are tired. :)
Addison is taking a couple steps here and there, but is mostly using her walker. She is walking laps around the house, and doesn't let anything get in her way... including Fischer. He likes to crawl in front of her walker, and she will just run right into him. It's funny to stand back and watch them.
Addison seems to be doing better with her naps, so for now, we are staying on the 2 naps a day schedule. She is still crying for awhile at night before going to sleep though. She started that about 2 weeks ago. Scott and I sort of think she doesn't like that their room has light coming in when they go to bed, despite the dark shades.
I think Fischer has started saying "ow" or "up" or maybe both. I noticed the other day he was saying what sounded like "up" when he was trying to climb on something. He's said it several times since, and I think he's said "ow" on several occasions too. It's fun trying to figure out what new words they are trying to say! Yesterday, while walking, we stopped to talk to a neighbor and his dog. The dog was sniffing Addison and Fischer's toes and Addison kept saying "Bo" and Fischer kept saying "Dog." It's so neat to see that they associate our dog with other dogs... or it could be that Addison thinks the word for dog is bo.
Here are a few pictures from the past few days.
Addison is taking a couple steps here and there, but is mostly using her walker. She is walking laps around the house, and doesn't let anything get in her way... including Fischer. He likes to crawl in front of her walker, and she will just run right into him. It's funny to stand back and watch them.
Addison seems to be doing better with her naps, so for now, we are staying on the 2 naps a day schedule. She is still crying for awhile at night before going to sleep though. She started that about 2 weeks ago. Scott and I sort of think she doesn't like that their room has light coming in when they go to bed, despite the dark shades.
I think Fischer has started saying "ow" or "up" or maybe both. I noticed the other day he was saying what sounded like "up" when he was trying to climb on something. He's said it several times since, and I think he's said "ow" on several occasions too. It's fun trying to figure out what new words they are trying to say! Yesterday, while walking, we stopped to talk to a neighbor and his dog. The dog was sniffing Addison and Fischer's toes and Addison kept saying "Bo" and Fischer kept saying "Dog." It's so neat to see that they associate our dog with other dogs... or it could be that Addison thinks the word for dog is bo.
Here are a few pictures from the past few days.
This picture makes me laugh - are these the looks I have to look forward to when she's a teenager?
Addison is trying to climb on everything!
Fischer has a mouth full of teeth.
Spoon practice!
Going for a walk around the house.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Addison and Fischer wanted to remind you that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away!"
They both loved holding their own apples. Addison was actually taking some tiny bites, but Fischer just kept putting the apple to his mouth and laughing. We started a bite for each of them, but Fischer still wouldn't take any actual bites of his own. Addison had eaten quite a bit of hers by the time we took it away!
Addison seems to be going through an anti-falling asleep phase. Once she lets herself fall asleep, she sleeps great. But naps and bedtime have produced quite a bit of screaming and crying over the past few days. We are wondering if she's ready to go to one nap a day... I am going to give it another day or two and make the decision then. I don't think Fischer is ready for 1 nap a day, but if Addison's schedule changes, so will his. I was hoping to stay on the 2 nap a day schedule until about 15 months, but that may not be happening. I've learned that they have to guide me through the schedule changes. :)
They are both doing great with learning their body parts. They both know head, nose, and mouth. Fischer knows eye, and Addison knows feet. Fischer is also trying to snap (when we do) by touching his thumb and index finger together. It's reallly cute. :) He also touches his 2 index fingers together when I start singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider." That's him doing the spider part... Addison did it for the first time last night when she saw him doing it. She's quite the little copy cat sometimes. :)
They both took some steps yesterday. Addison took 5 one time, and Fischer took 4. Other than that, they are still taking 2 at a time. Addison has started changing directions with her walker toy. If she gets stuck up against a piece of furniture, she knows to pull it back and change directions. She's been doing this for a week or so. Fischer did it yesterday too, so I think he has caught on. Now, they can go all around the house without much help!
Addison has started showing me when she hurts herself. If she hurt her hand, she'll hold it up. If she hurt her mouth somehow, she points to that. It's so nice that they are able to communicate some things now! Fischer has started leaning his head towards me whenever I ask him for a kiss. It's so funny, and like he's already too cool for mommy to kiss him, but he'll "let" me kiss his head. :)
They both loved holding their own apples. Addison was actually taking some tiny bites, but Fischer just kept putting the apple to his mouth and laughing. We started a bite for each of them, but Fischer still wouldn't take any actual bites of his own. Addison had eaten quite a bit of hers by the time we took it away!
Addison seems to be going through an anti-falling asleep phase. Once she lets herself fall asleep, she sleeps great. But naps and bedtime have produced quite a bit of screaming and crying over the past few days. We are wondering if she's ready to go to one nap a day... I am going to give it another day or two and make the decision then. I don't think Fischer is ready for 1 nap a day, but if Addison's schedule changes, so will his. I was hoping to stay on the 2 nap a day schedule until about 15 months, but that may not be happening. I've learned that they have to guide me through the schedule changes. :)
They are both doing great with learning their body parts. They both know head, nose, and mouth. Fischer knows eye, and Addison knows feet. Fischer is also trying to snap (when we do) by touching his thumb and index finger together. It's reallly cute. :) He also touches his 2 index fingers together when I start singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider." That's him doing the spider part... Addison did it for the first time last night when she saw him doing it. She's quite the little copy cat sometimes. :)
They both took some steps yesterday. Addison took 5 one time, and Fischer took 4. Other than that, they are still taking 2 at a time. Addison has started changing directions with her walker toy. If she gets stuck up against a piece of furniture, she knows to pull it back and change directions. She's been doing this for a week or so. Fischer did it yesterday too, so I think he has caught on. Now, they can go all around the house without much help!
Addison has started showing me when she hurts herself. If she hurt her hand, she'll hold it up. If she hurt her mouth somehow, she points to that. It's so nice that they are able to communicate some things now! Fischer has started leaning his head towards me whenever I ask him for a kiss. It's so funny, and like he's already too cool for mommy to kiss him, but he'll "let" me kiss his head. :)
Friday, April 16, 2010
I went to dinner last night with some friends. It was nice to get out, but I think Addison was mad at me this morning for not being here to put her to bed last night. When I walked into their room this morning, she didn't reach for me as she usually does. In fact, she looked the other way! As the morning went on, I'd smile at her, and she'd just stare at me. She's slowly warmed back up to me, but I really do think she was mad. Or, maybe she was upset that I missed her first 2 steps. That's right, she took 2 steps to Scott while I was out. I actually saw her take one yesterday, but I think it was completely on accident. Last night, she walked to him on purpose. I'm sad I missed it, but glad that they had a daddy/daughter moment! And, I think she has finally forgiven me for not being here. :)
In addition to taking the steps, Addison also has her 6th tooth!! She now has 3 on the bottom and 3 on top. Fischer is still holding steady at 7 - 4 on top and 3 on the bottom. She was pretty fussy yesterday, so I'm thinking the tooth could be why.
Fischer seems to be gaining confidence in the walking department. Yesterday, he tried many times to take more than 2 steps. He succeeded once, and took 3. The rest of the time, he took two before falling (usually into my lap) but he kept popping right back up to try again. We'll see what today holds for them!
Packing is slow-going. It's almost impossible to pack with 2 one year olds "helping." Here are a few pictures of them helping me out... they did get into the tupperware cabinet, and they thought that was a fun adventure.
They also go through phases now where they like to give each other kisses. I caught them in the act on Wednesday!
And, Scott got them dressed on Tuesday, and they are dressed like twins. Hehe. :)
In addition to taking the steps, Addison also has her 6th tooth!! She now has 3 on the bottom and 3 on top. Fischer is still holding steady at 7 - 4 on top and 3 on the bottom. She was pretty fussy yesterday, so I'm thinking the tooth could be why.
Fischer seems to be gaining confidence in the walking department. Yesterday, he tried many times to take more than 2 steps. He succeeded once, and took 3. The rest of the time, he took two before falling (usually into my lap) but he kept popping right back up to try again. We'll see what today holds for them!
Packing is slow-going. It's almost impossible to pack with 2 one year olds "helping." Here are a few pictures of them helping me out... they did get into the tupperware cabinet, and they thought that was a fun adventure.
They also go through phases now where they like to give each other kisses. I caught them in the act on Wednesday!
And, Scott got them dressed on Tuesday, and they are dressed like twins. Hehe. :)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
You may remember that instead of gifts at Addison and Fischer's birthday party, we collected donations for our local Ronald McDonald House. One of the items on the wish list was toiletries.
We are moving in 2 weeks (aaah!!), so we've been busy packing, cleaning out cabinets and drawers, and getting rid of some things. In our guest bathroom, we had a drawer full of toiletries from Scott's travels... he brings them home from hotels and flights. We always save them incase our guests need anything. Our collection got quite large, so I thought I'd call the Ronald McDonald House to see if they would accept them. The lady on the phone said they would absolutely take them! It's nice to know that we aren't going to throw these things away, and they will be used and appreciated!
My point with this post is to remind you (and myself!) that there are small things everyone can do to help the community! If you travel, save the hotel toiletries and donate them to your local Ronald McDonald House! You can also save the tabs off of soda cans and take those to the Ronald McDonald House as well. Also, you can help out your teacher friends and save Campbell's Soup Labels and Education Points off of various products. Even though my time is limited right now, these are small and easy things I do to feel like I helped out a little. :)
We are moving in 2 weeks (aaah!!), so we've been busy packing, cleaning out cabinets and drawers, and getting rid of some things. In our guest bathroom, we had a drawer full of toiletries from Scott's travels... he brings them home from hotels and flights. We always save them incase our guests need anything. Our collection got quite large, so I thought I'd call the Ronald McDonald House to see if they would accept them. The lady on the phone said they would absolutely take them! It's nice to know that we aren't going to throw these things away, and they will be used and appreciated!
My point with this post is to remind you (and myself!) that there are small things everyone can do to help the community! If you travel, save the hotel toiletries and donate them to your local Ronald McDonald House! You can also save the tabs off of soda cans and take those to the Ronald McDonald House as well. Also, you can help out your teacher friends and save Campbell's Soup Labels and Education Points off of various products. Even though my time is limited right now, these are small and easy things I do to feel like I helped out a little. :)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I am still waiting on Fischer to take some more steps. He didn't take any yesterday, but we weren't home much either. We went out to lunch, then we walked around Folly Beach. The babies didn't nap much while we were out, so they were pretty worn out last night. We'll see if he takes any steps this afternoon! I'm not pushing it though, I know he and Addison will walk when they are ready.
Addison and Fischer have been chewing on pizza crusts for awhile now, but they've never tried the actual pizza. Until yesterday, that is. And, they loved it! They also got to try a shaved ice (cherry and sour peach flavors) and they were pretty disappointed when those were all gone. :)
Addison and Fischer have been chewing on pizza crusts for awhile now, but they've never tried the actual pizza. Until yesterday, that is. And, they loved it! They also got to try a shaved ice (cherry and sour peach flavors) and they were pretty disappointed when those were all gone. :)
Grandma K left yesterday, so we are without a Grandma here for the first time in two weeks. The babies seem a little out of sorts...I think because they are used to an extra set of hands here to hold them and play with them. Getting to spend time with Grandparents makes the fussiness worth it though. Here are some pictures with Grandma K!
And here are a few pictures from the past few days!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Just a quick update tonight...
I would like to announce that Fischer took his first unassisted steps today!! We were playing in the baby jail and he let go of the bars and took 2 steps towards me! I caught him, gave him a big hug and kiss, and did a lot of cheering. It just so happened that Grandma K saw it too, so we were both making a lot of noise! A few minutes later he did it again, so I knew the first time wasn't an accident. He did it 3 more times...taking only 2 steps each time. It was so exciting, and I can't wait to see if he does it again tomorrow!!
I would like to announce that Fischer took his first unassisted steps today!! We were playing in the baby jail and he let go of the bars and took 2 steps towards me! I caught him, gave him a big hug and kiss, and did a lot of cheering. It just so happened that Grandma K saw it too, so we were both making a lot of noise! A few minutes later he did it again, so I knew the first time wasn't an accident. He did it 3 more times...taking only 2 steps each time. It was so exciting, and I can't wait to see if he does it again tomorrow!!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
It's been so nice outside so we've been taking advantage of the great weather. I even got to go enjoy some relaxation by the pool while Grandma K volunteered to be on baby duty!
Yesterday, we went to a nearby park and let Addison and Fischer roam around. We were going to let them swing, but the swings were way too hot for them to sit on. They enjoyed crawling around somewhere new, and tried to eat a lot of leaves.
On Easter, we went on a wagon ride...
And saw an alligator...
We've also been giving Addison and Fischer bigger pieces of food. Today we gave them whole Ritz crackers, and they were so excited. They both giggled before eating the crackers. Yesterday, Grandma K gave Addison and piece of her apple, and she really enjoyed it.
In an exciting note, they both started blowing kisses today! They aren't sure how to make the kissing noise, so they will click their tongues as they put their hand over their mouth. It is so cute!
Yesterday, we went to a nearby park and let Addison and Fischer roam around. We were going to let them swing, but the swings were way too hot for them to sit on. They enjoyed crawling around somewhere new, and tried to eat a lot of leaves.
On Easter, we went on a wagon ride...
And saw an alligator...
We've also been giving Addison and Fischer bigger pieces of food. Today we gave them whole Ritz crackers, and they were so excited. They both giggled before eating the crackers. Yesterday, Grandma K gave Addison and piece of her apple, and she really enjoyed it.
In an exciting note, they both started blowing kisses today! They aren't sure how to make the kissing noise, so they will click their tongues as they put their hand over their mouth. It is so cute!
Monday, April 5, 2010
I think Addison and Fischer are finally feeling better. Their noses are still a little runny, but other than that, things are back to normal.
Grandma and Grandpa Suttle were here until Sunday, and Grandma Komarnicki got here on Friday. The babies have been loving all of the extra attention. While we were waiting on Scott to get home from Japan, we decided to take a drive out to the beach on Saturday. I didn't dress Addison and Fischer in their bathing suits, because I didn't think they'd go towards the water on their own too much. Boy, was I wrong. I laid out two towels thinking they'd at least stick close to those even if they crawled off of them. It took Addison about 30 seconds to start crawling towards the water, and Fischer wasn't too far behind. They loved picking up the wet sand and squeezing it, and even tried to eat some. It didn't bother them at all that the water was a little chilly. The also didn't mind when the waves hit them. I think it's safe to say we have two water babies on our hands. The only time they cried was when it was time to go.
In other news, Addison has 2 teeth coming in and a 3rd that's about to break through. With the two that have broken through, she has 6 teeth. Fischer still has 7 but I think he has his 8th about to break through.
They are becoming much more vocal now, trying to repeat most of what we say. They are also figuring out what to do with most of their toys. They got a puzzle for Easter, and have already figured out a couple of the pieces! They are still walking a lot behind their push toys. Fischer took a tiny step on his own the other day but hasn't taken anymore since. I know it will come when they are ready.
This week is supposed to be really nice so I hope to do some fun things now that the babies are feeling better!
Grandma and Grandpa Suttle were here until Sunday, and Grandma Komarnicki got here on Friday. The babies have been loving all of the extra attention. While we were waiting on Scott to get home from Japan, we decided to take a drive out to the beach on Saturday. I didn't dress Addison and Fischer in their bathing suits, because I didn't think they'd go towards the water on their own too much. Boy, was I wrong. I laid out two towels thinking they'd at least stick close to those even if they crawled off of them. It took Addison about 30 seconds to start crawling towards the water, and Fischer wasn't too far behind. They loved picking up the wet sand and squeezing it, and even tried to eat some. It didn't bother them at all that the water was a little chilly. The also didn't mind when the waves hit them. I think it's safe to say we have two water babies on our hands. The only time they cried was when it was time to go.
In other news, Addison has 2 teeth coming in and a 3rd that's about to break through. With the two that have broken through, she has 6 teeth. Fischer still has 7 but I think he has his 8th about to break through.
They are becoming much more vocal now, trying to repeat most of what we say. They are also figuring out what to do with most of their toys. They got a puzzle for Easter, and have already figured out a couple of the pieces! They are still walking a lot behind their push toys. Fischer took a tiny step on his own the other day but hasn't taken anymore since. I know it will come when they are ready.
This week is supposed to be really nice so I hope to do some fun things now that the babies are feeling better!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
I ended up having to take Addison and Fischer to the doctor yesterday. It was obvious they were feeling pretty bad, and Fischer's cough was getting worse. She said it seems to be a cold, probably made worse by allergies. She said to give them Zyrtec, which is an allergy medicine. They got their first dose last night, so hopefully it will start helping soon. Addison did get sick a few times last night, and I'm hoping it wasn't because of the Zyrtec. Once they both settled down, they slept pretty well. Thank goodness my mom was here to help me hold them while they were both very upset and screaming!
Today, they are both still really congested and coughing, but seem to be in better moods. I knew they didn't feel well yesterday when they hardly touched their dinner. That is very unlike them. Luckily, they seemed back to normal today with breakfast and lunch. Speaking of eating, they got to try watermelon for the first time with lunch. They seemed to really like it, so I'll be giving more at dinner.
They are both really starting to dislike having their noses wiped and suctioned. I'm sure I'd be tired of it too by this point. If only they would understand that I'm trying to help them. I think Fischer decided to get me back for all of the wiping and suctioning on Tuesday.... I was changing his diaper in the back of my car while out running some errands. I have an SUV, so it's easier to change them in the back rather than finding a public bathroom to use! Anyway, I looked down, and the back of my car was all wet, and he had a huge smile on his face. Then he did it all over again. All I could do was laugh because of the grin on his face. I managed to get it all cleaned and him changed before we had any more "accidents."
I can't believe it's already April. It's been very warm here for the past few days... Addison and Fischer are getting to wear their shorts. I don't know if there is anything cuter than seeing them in shorts. :)
Today, they are both still really congested and coughing, but seem to be in better moods. I knew they didn't feel well yesterday when they hardly touched their dinner. That is very unlike them. Luckily, they seemed back to normal today with breakfast and lunch. Speaking of eating, they got to try watermelon for the first time with lunch. They seemed to really like it, so I'll be giving more at dinner.
They are both really starting to dislike having their noses wiped and suctioned. I'm sure I'd be tired of it too by this point. If only they would understand that I'm trying to help them. I think Fischer decided to get me back for all of the wiping and suctioning on Tuesday.... I was changing his diaper in the back of my car while out running some errands. I have an SUV, so it's easier to change them in the back rather than finding a public bathroom to use! Anyway, I looked down, and the back of my car was all wet, and he had a huge smile on his face. Then he did it all over again. All I could do was laugh because of the grin on his face. I managed to get it all cleaned and him changed before we had any more "accidents."
I can't believe it's already April. It's been very warm here for the past few days... Addison and Fischer are getting to wear their shorts. I don't know if there is anything cuter than seeing them in shorts. :)
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