Sunday, April 18, 2010

Addison and Fischer wanted to remind you that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away!"

They both loved holding their own apples. Addison was actually taking some tiny bites, but Fischer just kept putting the apple to his mouth and laughing.  We started a bite for each of them, but Fischer still wouldn't take any actual bites of his own. Addison had eaten quite a bit of hers by the time we took it away!

Addison seems to be going through an anti-falling asleep phase. Once she lets herself fall asleep, she sleeps great. But naps and bedtime have produced quite a bit of screaming and crying over the past few days. We are wondering if she's ready to go to one nap a day... I am going to give it another day or two and make the decision then. I don't think Fischer is ready for 1 nap a day, but if Addison's schedule changes, so will his. I was hoping to stay on the 2 nap a day schedule until about 15 months, but that may not be happening. I've learned that they have to guide me through the schedule changes. :)

They are both doing great with learning their body parts. They both know head, nose, and mouth. Fischer knows eye, and Addison knows feet.  Fischer is also trying to snap (when we do) by touching his thumb and index finger together. It's reallly cute. :) He also touches his 2 index fingers together when I start singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider." That's him doing the spider part... Addison did it for the first time last night when she saw him doing it. She's quite the little copy cat sometimes. :)

They both took some steps yesterday. Addison took 5 one time, and Fischer took 4. Other than that, they are still taking 2 at a time. Addison has started changing directions with her walker toy. If she gets stuck up against a piece of furniture, she knows to pull it back and change directions. She's been doing this for a week or so. Fischer did it yesterday too, so I think he has caught on. Now, they can go all around the house without much help!

Addison has started showing me when she hurts herself. If she hurt her hand, she'll hold it up. If she hurt her mouth somehow, she points to that. It's so nice that they are able to communicate some things now! Fischer has started leaning his head towards me whenever I ask him for a kiss. It's so funny, and like he's already too cool for mommy to kiss him, but he'll "let" me kiss his head. :)

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