Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Now that I'm done posting about our vacation, I can post some updates about Addison and Fischer!

They did great staying with their Grandma and Grandpa Suttle while we were on vacation.  Addison was a little mad at us when we got back, but she eventually warmed up to us. :)  They especially enjoyed watching all of the deer that venture into Grandma and Grandpa's yard.. and because of that, they learned the new word "dee" while we were gone!

I was brave enough the other day to do a tooth count - it's scary sticking your fingers into those mouths! Fischer now has 16 teeth, and Addison is still holding steady at 11.  Fischer has been waking up at night lately and I think tooth #16 just broke through, so that might be why.

They are starting to take longer and longer to fall asleep for their morning naps. They lay in there and "talk" for quite awhile before eventually falling asleep.  Going to one nap a day might be in our near future.

They are talking all the time, although most of it is in their own language. I love that I can ask them to do something now, and they do it! It's amazing how much they are understanding now!

Fischer has started saying "no" which is always fun. :) He says it in context and absolutely means it. I'll say "Fischer, try a carrot!" and he just says "Nah" and refuses to put one into his mouth.  We don't force the food issue, so after trying a couple of times, if he still says "nah" I stop trying. Usually, he'll eat a few on his own anyway. The other day, Scott was across the room and said "Fischer, come over here" and Fischer said "Nah" and walked the other way. It was funny, but also scary at the same time since we now realize we are going to be hearing "nah" a lot more!

Here are Addison and Fischer in their Harvard t-shirts from our trip. They look like future Harvard students to me!

And here they are hanging out on the couch looking outside.

I can't believe it was 2 years ago today that I found out I was pregnant. Oh, how things change!!

1 comment:

  1. They look precious in those t-shirts! And has it really been two years? Time goes by way too fast!
