Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Today, November 17, is National Prematurity Awareness Day. If you'd like to learn more about premature birth, please visit I am thankful everyday for the work and research done by the March of Dimes, because without that, I'm sure Addison and Fischer would have been born much earlier than they were. Although they were still considered "preemies," we were so fortunate that they were healthy and had a short stay in the hospital.  Looking at them today, you'd never know they were born early, and for that we are extremely thankful!

Today was a big day for another reason - Addison got her first haircut! Fischer got one too, bringing his count to 3. Fischer's hair grows so fast!

Fischer did pretty well, but was a little more squirmy than the last couple of times. He did enjoy playing with the Mickey Mouse toy and eating cookies though.  We (thankfully, Scott was able to go with me!) were going to let Addison go first, but quickly realized she was going to freak out. So, we let her watch Fischer get his cut first, and she also saw that he got to play with a toy and eat cookies. So, when it was her turn, she peacefully went into the chair. BUT... she didn't like the sound the scissors made when Yolanda was cutting. She was sort of crying, but also eating her cookies throughout the entire cut. There were no actual tears, but I think she was close to it by the end.  We made it through, and her hair looks really good. I was worried she'd look like a boy, but instead she has an adorable little bob cut with a bow in her hair! :)

Here is Addison, eating a cookie, but also a little scared...

She's not happy about this whole haircut thing...

All done! And it looks adorable! Goodbye mullet :)

Daddy and his girly-girl....

Close up of the bow!

Here is Fischer - he's an old pro by now!

Looking so cute, and he can actually see now since the hair is out of his eyes!

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