Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A few weeks ago, Scott and I decided to give Addison and Fischer their "big" Christmas gifts early. They needed something new and exciting to do outside, and the weather was nice, so we decided to go for it. We knew we wanted to get them tricycles, so that Saturday we went and got them!

Unfortunately, the day we bought them, it got really cold, and stayed cold for the next few weeks. I guess we could've waited until Christmas after all. Luckily they are still too young to really know the difference.

We did bring them inside and they got to ride them around our living room. It's really cute to watch them "ride" around and ring their little bells. They are still trying to figure out the pedals, and can't quite reach the one that's farthest away.  They like to push each other too, which is really funny.

Finally, today, it was nice enough to ride them outside. Not only did we get them tricycles, but we got them adorable helmets to wear while riding. They look so cute in them, and they actually keep them on! Also, the tricycles came with handles that can be attached for us to push them... and when we turn the handles, we can actually steer the tricycle for them! It's a very neat feature!

Addison and Fischer are 22 months today! In just 2 months, on 2-22, my 2 babies will be 2 years old. That's a lot of 2s, and it's only a little scary. :)

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