Monday, January 31, 2011

As if having the nasty stomach bug once wasn't bad enough, we've now had it in our house a second time. It just doesn't seem fair. I, somehow, have avoided it so far.  Unfortunately, Addison, Fischer, Scott and my mom have all had it, and are still recovering. It sucks. I've had my fill of cleaning up throw up for the next several decades. And the laundry that accumulates with this kind of bug is crazy. I think I have done around 12 loads since Saturday. Not all of it from being sick, I was a little behind anyway, but I'd say about half was from all of the sickness. But, that stuff comes with the territory of being a Mommy! This is a picture of about half of the mound of laundry waiting to be folded...

If you don't like throw up talk, I wouldn't read anymore! The good news is, we got them both to start using a bowl, so that helped us out a lot when it came to cleaning up.

Friday night, we woke up to Addison crying around 12:30. We normally let them cry and put themselves back to sleep. Something sounded weird about her cry though, so I decided to go check on her. As soon as I opened the door, I smelled the unmistakable smell of throw up. I looked in her crib and she had gotten sick everywhere. So, I took her into Scott in our room so he could change her while I changed her sheets.  As I was changing her sheets, she got sick again, all over herself and our bed. So, I gave her a bath while Scott changed OUR sheets. She continued to get sick while I was giving her a bath, so we decided to just keep her in the bed with us since it was clear it was going to be a long night. We put towels and blankets as an extra layer all around us so that we could just change those out if necessary, instead of having to change the sheets again. None of us got much sleep, but thankfully, Fischer slept through it all! Addison was pretty out of it all day Saturday but wasn't as sick. She was still refusing to eat but did drink some Pedialyte, so at least she was hydrated.

We all slept Saturday night but woke up to Addison crying at 5 am. Again, her cry sounded weird. I went in there to check on her. She hadn't gotten sick but she was shaking really bad, so I took her back to bed with me, where she and I slept until 8:15! She got sick once more, but then seemed a little better.

Here is Addison sleeping in our bed...

We went on about our day, enjoying some outside time since it was so nice! The kids took their naps, and I went in to get Fischer when he woke up at 2. As soon as I picked him up, I smelled it. Again. I was really hoping he'd somehow avoid the sickness, but no such luck. From that point on, he got sick about every 15 minutes until around 8:00 last night. Somehow, both of them slept through the night until 5:00 this morning. In the meantime, Scott started getting sick and was up most of the night. I am still feeling OK, so I am praying it stays that way! Both Addison and Fischer are out of sorts this morning and refusing to eat, but hopefully they are all on the mend and will all be back to normal.  Because they got up at 5 am, our schedule is going to be completely off today. They are already taking a nap (they went to sleep at 9:00 am), so we'll see what the rest of the day holds. Something tells me I'll be relying on Mickey Mouse and friends a little more than I normally do!

Here's Fischer last night, right before he fell asleep on the couch...I'm pretty sure he's thinking "you're really taking a picture of me right now?!"

A few other things...

As I was cleaning up after Fischer got sick, he looked at me and said "Thank you, Mommy." It made me a little teary-eyed - it was sweet and just what I needed to hear as I was doing that nasty job! :)

Speaking of Mickey, they have both stared singing the theme to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Instead of "M-I-C-K-E-Y  M-O-U-S-E" they sing "I-C-C-YYY  I-C-C-YYY" but to the same exact tune. They like to drag out the Y letter. It is so funny, and I'm constantly asking them to sing it again.

Addison was SO worried about Fischer while he was getting sick. She is such a little mama! She would come pat him on the head and say "I'm sorry she-she" or bring a book over and read to him. She also tried to offer him some of her pretzels. She is so sweet and thoughtful (most of the time). She also helped me out by putting some of her eye shadow (it's fake) on my chin while I was helping Fischer out.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I'm so sorry you guys are sick again. I hope that everyone starts feeling better soon!
