Friday, June 17, 2011

Our days are pretty structured around here. We do things on a schedule, for the most part. We've done this since Addison and Fischer were tiny.

Sometimes though, it's nice to change things up. It's nice to not worry about nap time, play time, etc... Today was one of those days!

We have been looking for some new furniture for our new house. We decided we would go check out the Pottery Barn Outlet in Gaffney. Since we were heading that way, we thought we'd also check out the Greenville Children's Museum, so that Addison and Fischer wouldn't be completely bored the entire time.

So after breakfast, we drove the 2 hours to Greenville. Addison and Fischer slept most of the way! We enjoyed lunch at Moe's, then went to the museum. It was a lot of fun! It's hard to take pictures at those types of places since we are always so busy trying to keep up with the kids.

Their favorite part, by far, was the water table area. It even had a table with booster seats where they could sit and play with the water and the toys. I really wish we could install one of these in our house. It would provide hours of entertainment!  And you can see in the 2nd picture that Fischer was completely mesmerized by all of the water.

Other than that, we did some shopping at the toddler-sized Bi-Lo.

We played in a space shuttle, wind tunnel and art area. We played in the farm area, which was really nice because it was enclosed! While we were there, Addison was "washing dishes" in the kitchen. As she was washing, she kept looking over to the side of the room saying "I'll be right there!" I suppose I do say that a lot....

After spending a couple of hours at the museum, it was time to leave so we could go to the outlets and have time to shop. The kids slept most of the way there. Unfortunately, we didn't find much, but we did come home with 1 thing for our new kitchen. We got a piece that is half cork board and half chalkboard. That will be nice to have to make little grocery lists, post date reminders, and things like that.

Addison and Fischer chattered the entire 2 hour trip home. It was pretty funny! They ate a big dinner, and were quite tired by the time they went to bed. It was definitely a fun family day!

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