Here are some Monday updates:
-Addison and Fischer are now in their BIG KID beds! They each have a full sized bed and have been sleeping in them since last Wednesday. And they are sleeping great! More on that later!
-We sent the kids to school in "undies" last Tuesday. We thought they were ready. They weren't...Addison had a very messy accident (that included double bagging her clothes to send home and throwing away her undies). Fischer decided he needed to potty out on the playground and pulled down his pants right there and started to go (this is our fault since we let him do this at home when we are playing outside). So we'll try again soon, hopefully. They are doing great at home though.... we just need to work on the "rules" about when/where it is appropriate to potty. :)
-Our little potty goes everywhere with us now. It never fails that one of them has to go when we are somewhere that doesn't have a restroom. This could also be why Fischer is confused about when/where to go - it's much easier for a boy to go anywhere! I never thought I'd be a potty-toting parent, but it has definitely helped us out a lot.
-We got A and F's beds at IKEA, and while we were there we finally got an organization piece for my "office." Scott hung it last night and I finally got to get some things organized - I'll post pictures soon. I'm hoping to get back to work on my photo albums now that I have a space to work.
-We had a good weekend that included lots of outdoor time (and a Carolina win!!). We are loving this weather. We went to a new park/playground and the kids had a blast. Saturday afternoon, we went to Jim and Dianne's and ran around and played with their dogs. We even went for a ride in the back of Jim's old Jeep Scrambler. Fischer kept saying we were in the jungle. :)
-Hunting season is in, and Scott's been trying to stock up our freezer with some deer meat. When he goes at night he leaves around 5:30 but gets home before the kids go to bed. The kids always "help" him get ready, and have even pitched a fit or two because they want to go too. Now, they like to "go huntin'" when they are in the yard playing.
-Addison is demanding that she be a princess for Halloween. Fischer won't agree to anything except "running around naked." Um.... I'm not sure a streaker is a good Halloween costume. :) That boy says some funny stuff.
-Both kids got haircuts on Friday - as usual, they did great!
-Once the kids' new bedding arrives (hopefully today) I will post pictures of their new rooms!
I think that about sums up the past week. Oh, I bought The Lion King yesterday and was so excited to watch it last night. About 20 minutes into it, I could tell Addison was completely stressed out and on the verge of crying so we had to turn it off. It was a bit darker than I remembered, especially for little kids. At least we have it now and can watch it in a few years. :)
Monday, October 10, 2011
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