Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I'm still feeling behind these days - behind on blog posts, projects, laundry, sleep, etc... I'm guessing I won't feel caught up anytime soon.:)

Since I'm so behind, I thought I'd do a post of some of the random things that have been going on around here.

We've been spending a ton of time outside before it gets too hot and we can only go out around breakfast time or after dinner. While outside, Fischer has become obsessed with finding bugs. Any and all bugs. And he likes to pick them up and bring them to me. And just yesterday, he "kindly" shared and put one on my leg. Gross. The worst is that he picks up slugs and carries them around. Ew.

We've also had fun watching all of the baby birds around our house. We had several nests and we've had fun checking in on them! The kids like to listen to the babies chirping and they like to watch the mamas go in and out of the nests.

The kids have really gotten into some "role playing" while they play together. I'm not sure there is anything more entertaining than sitting and listening to them play. The stuff they come up with is hilarious. While Addison is almost always a princess, Fischer plays many roles. Just recently, I've heard Addison call him: Prince, Knight, Doctor, Boy, Brother, Puppy, Your Majesty, and there are probably a few I'm leaving out. He responds to her almost all the time no matter how he's addressed. It's funny. Just this morning, they were playing on the porch and she sad "Boy, bring me my blanket." Thank goodness he told her no. :)

We have been trying, rather unsuccessfully, to get Addison to drink Lactaid instead of soy milk. There are various reasons that we are trying to get away from the soy milk, but it's just not working. The main reason is that soy milk has been tied to some weird hormonal stuff, especially in girls, as they get older. I've tried flavoring her milk and she still won't drink much of it at all. We've also tried Almond Milk but she won't really drink that either. I'm not really sure what to do!

Addison and Fischer's last day of school is next Thursday. I'm a little nervous about how I'm going to keep them entertained all summer, but I'm already lining some things up that should help. I think we will be returning to My Gym for 1 class a week, and may check out the local library programs. We are also planning to go to several of the Regal Cinema dollar movies in the mornings! I need to savor this summer because I know August will be here soon and then the kids will be in school 3 mornings a week.

Scott has been traveling quite a bit for work. It's tiring but I know it's part of his job, and his job is what allows me to stay home with the kids, so I try to keep that in mind. I was having a particularly rough week a few weeks ago, but I felt a lot better after getting some pretty flowers from Scott. What a nice surprise! Addison was convinced they were her flowers. When she got up from nap that day and saw them, she said "Oh, thank you so much for getting them for me."

Today, we went to our friends Jim and Dianne's house to meet their new dog. While playing, the kids got ahold of some eggs. Fischer cracked one on the driveway and said "Oh, that's a fiiiiiiine looking egg!" Where do they get these things?

And lastly, we just returned from a trip to Ohio to visit my brother and his family. I have some fun pictures to post as soon as I get them on my computer. We had a great time and I am so proud of how well the kids traveled. Fischer loved staying at the hotels and on the way home we heard "I don't want to go home!!" several times!

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