Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dear Fischer,

Like your sister, you recently turned 3 1/2. You also have gotten so big and I'd say weigh at least 33 pounds! You are getting so tall too. I think finding pants that fit your little waist and long legs will be a challenge this fall and winter. You are currently wearing clothes that range from 2t-4t and a size 9 shoe! I think you are going to have big feet like your Daddy.

You are still wearing a pull up for naps and at night but I think we could quit putting them on you. You wake up dry 99% of the time, and that 1% that you aren't is almost always in the morning and never at nap. Speaking of naps, you still love your naps and do not function well in the afternoons without one! If it's getting to be too late in the afternoon, you will usually walk into your room and lay down on your own. You go to sleep great at night too, and you sleep with your closet light on these days.

You love books and being read to, just like when you were a baby. You've always loved being read to, and a lot of times it is the only time you will hold still! You have always paid such close attention to the words and letters, and it's definitely showing now. You know so many of your letter sounds and are even spelling some words on occasion.  You've spelled cat, ant, duck and Steve (Grandpa's name). You LOVE numbers and love counting anything and everything. You've counted to 20 several times but usually lose interest after that.

Your favorite thing to do right now is ride your tricycle. It's funny because you and Addison got them almost 2 years ago and have just recently started liking them. I'm glad we held on to them! Most of the time, you kick your shoes off before riding your tricycle... I think you get better grip on the pedals in your bare feet. This has resulted in some scraped toes but you don't seem to care.

If Daddy is home, you want to be wherever he is doing whatever he is doing. If it's just me here with you, you are happy with hanging out with me! :) It's becoming a challenge right now because you want to be outside a lot while Addison wants to stay inside and do an art project. Lately she's been coloring on the porch while you run around, throw balls and ride your bike. You also love to dig, and if you find a worm, it makes it so much more exciting! I think you sleep so well, and still need a nap, because you are non-stop as long as you are awake.

Just today you were digging for "treasure." You were sure to tell me that you were NOT a pirate but just a "regular boy." You say some of the funniest things! You don't talk as much as your sister but I think it's because she doesn't give you the chance. She talks non-stop! Believe me, you talk a lot too though! You are much more serious in your conversations and you have already started challenging me with your questions about Earth, robots, and so much more. Yesterday you asked us what was on the other side of Earth!

You are a good eater but you can be pretty picky. You favorite food, by far, is chicken nuggets. You love pizza too (something Addison refuses to eat). You don't drink a lot of water but love your milk with meals. You love drinking juice but rarely get it at home. You love anything chocolate - you totally got that from me. You also love snacks - you definitely get that from your Daddy.

You started karate a few weeks ago and really like it! You especially love it when your favorite teacher, Mr. Mike, is there. He is also the owner of the karate place. You seem to like the other teachers too, but not as much. You are also doing great at school this year. I think having your own time with your own teacher has been very beneficial. Today, when I picked you and Addison up, you gave her a giant hug. That made me so happy and I might have cried if we weren't still standing in your classroom. :)

You still love watching TV and you especially love playing games on our cell phones. We definitely have to limit your time, but I do have to say that you soak it all in and I think that's part of the reason you do so well with letters and spelling.

You are my little man and I love you so much, especially when you are blowing me kisses as I put you to bed and close your door. That's become one of my favorite nightly traditions with you!

I will write another one of these soon so I can do a better job of remembering everything about you! Until next time!
I love you,
Mommy :)

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