Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Awhile ago, I saw some posts online about someone building their daughter a little wardrobe for dress-up stuff. Addison's closet is pretty big but her dress-up stuff was up on the higher bar and she couldn't reach it. She was always calling me in there to grab different dresses for her.

So, I asked Scott to build her something just for her princess dresses! He is quite handy and was able to build it for her over 2 days. He went to Lowe's on a Friday, got all of his supplies, and finished up on Saturday! It turned out great and now she can reach everything she needs to be a princess! :)

It has a shelf for purses, a hollow bottom for shoes and other accessories, and hooks on the outside for necklaces! And, I heard from Santa and I think he is bringing a whole new set of dresses and accessories to help fill up this space. Addison will be SO excited!

Since Addison was getting something new in her room, I thought it was only fair that Fischer got something new too! I saw the idea for a "homemade" Lego table online. Actual Lego tables can be quite expensive so I loved making this one for so cheap!

I ordered the table from IKEA ($8!) and bought the Lego base plates on Amazon.com. Our first attempt at attaching the base plates with hot glue didn't work, so Scott bought some stronger plastic adhesive and it worked great!

Hopefully these new things will help pass the time when we are stuck inside on the days that are too cold to go outside! Luckily, we don't have too many of those around here! :)

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