Tuesday, February 5, 2013

On Thursday, January 24 we took the kids to their dentist appointment! Scott was able to go with us but I think it would have been just fine with just me. The kids did great!

Before going, Addison and Fischer discussed it and decided that Addison would go back first! They stuck to their plan, so she and I went back first. Their dentist's office has a sign up that says parents should wait in the waiting room, but we politely ignore that sign. :)

Addison was a little nervous about the "big girl toothbrush" (the brush that spins) but we were able to coax her through the whole thing. And she LOVED getting water out of the straw and then sucking it out with the other straw, so there was a lot of that going on. After the brushing, the hygienist flossed her teeth and then used the tool that looks like a hook (we now call it the Captain Hook tool) to count her teeth and she was also able to quickly scrape out a little something that was stuck in her teeth. She did have a little gagging episode when the hygienist was working in the back of her mouth, but luckily there was no throw up like last time.

After that she was done until the Dentist came in! So I went and got Fischer and Scott. Addison was supportive of Fischer and said "You'll be fine, Buddy" as he sat down in the chair. He made himself comfortable right away by putting his hands behind his head and crossing his legs. It was so funny.

He handled the "big boy toothbrush" much better and it was over very quickly. His teeth were also flossed and counted, and then we waited on the Dentist to come in. The kids were very into the movie that was playing so they were fine with the waiting.

She looked at their teeth, counted them again, asked a couple of questions and that was it.  On the way out they got a quick paste on their teeth before heading to the toy machine with their special tokens. Addison got a ring and Fischer got a stick-on mustache! :)

Overall it was a success and I was happy that everything looked great. They go back in 6 months and they might attempt x-rays that time. That could be interesting!!

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