I was pleasantly surprised this morning to wake up and see that it was 6:35 am, and the babies were still asleep! This is not normal so I started to worry that something was wrong. We have a video monitor, so I looked in there but went into their nursery to make sure everything was OK. A usual night for us is to give them their bottles at 10 pm, then put them to bed. They are usually asleep by 10:45, and then will sleep until 4 or 5 am. Just this past week, they've started sleeping until 5, so hopefully that sticks. Usually Addison is the one that wakes up crying, and we will usually go in and give her her paci to buy ourselves another 10 minutes of sleep. It doesn't seem like that long, but at 4 am, 10 minutes is a lot! So last night, she did wake up at 4:30, so I went in and gave her her paci thinking I could go lay back down for just a few minutes. We all fell back asleep until 6:35! They both woke up around 6:45, and they let me know how hungry they were. I had their bottles made already (sometimes I make them the night before) so I heated them up and fed them at the same time. I don't like to feed them at the same time, but they were so hungry that I didn't want to make one wait! By the way, Scott helps with all feedings when he's home, but he was out of town last night. I think they may have slept so late this morning because they were both very fussy last night, so I think they were probably just worn out. I guess we'll see what happens tomorrow morning!
Some of you may wonder why I don't like feeding them together. There are a few reasons:
1. They are very messy eaters, and in my opinion, it's double the mess (and not much quicker) when I feed them together.
2. Addison spits up a lot (it's not uncommon for her to go through 5 shirts a day), so it's harder to keep her clean.
3. I enjoy that one on one time with each of them because it gives me the chance to look at just one of them, and talk to only them.
I need to get back to packing now - we leave on Thursday. Please send positive thoughts that the babies will do great on their first flight!
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