I can hardly believe Bo is 6 today. These babies have been sort of hard on him because he was our first born and got all of our attention. I think he is slowly adjusting to them - he does like to sleep in their nursery at night! We've been through a lot in 6 years with him, and we are looking forward to many more years with our Bo Bo! :)
In baby news - last night Fischer picked up a toy and brought it up to his mouth!! I put a bigger rattle toy on his stomach and that's when he picked it up and pulled it up to his mouth. I tried it with his paci but I think it's still a little small. I tried it with Addison and she had no interest. :) When I placed the toy on her stomach, I could see Fischer staring at it - I think he was trying to figure out how to reach over and get it. He is also in love with his mobile in his crib and yesterday he talked to it for like 20 minutes straight while I fed Addison! I think he was trying to figure out how to get it to play. It was so cute. :)
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