While we were there, each baby developed a new "skill." Addison discovered she can roll over from her back to her tummy and does it ALL THE TIME! The problem is, once she is on her tummy, she gets stuck and gets really mad and screams until someone comes and turns her back over... then she does it all over again. This goes on all day and all night, so we've been waking up a lot more lately to a screaming Addison. Hopefully soon she'll realize she can also turn back over to her back - she's already done that but I guess she doesn't remember that yet. Fischer's skill is that he is now very interested in holding his own bottle, and has even done so for about 10 seconds at a time. He puts his hands on it most of the time, so we've let go a few times and he can actually hold it for a little while until it falls!
Today I gave them oatmeal for the first time! It's baby oatmeal...not the big pieces you are probably picturing. I decided to try oatmeal because Addison refused to swallow the rice cereal, and even gagged a few times. Can you say drama queen? :) Fischer ate it pretty well though. They both seemed to really enjoy the oatmeal. Addison ate her whole bowl, even smiling at times during her meal. Fischer finished off 2 bowls! After I was done with his first one, he started screaming and wouldn't stop, so I tried giving him more and that was apparently what he wanted. We are going to do oatmeal tomorrow and Friday, and if all goes well, we will introduce a veggie this weekend. I can't believe it's time for that already!
The bad news is that naptime isn't going so well anymore. They were doing great for about a week and now they sometimes nap and sometimes don't. Usually one falls asleep, the other one cries...then the first one wakes up and the other one sleeps. I would really like them to sleep at the same time for at least part of it so that I could have a little quiet time. We'll keep working at it. I talked to other moms who have had napping problems in the past so I feel hopeful it might work out eventually.
Below are some pictures from our trip. The adorable July 4th outfits were from Uncle Chris and Aunt Jamie!
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