We decided a long time ago to make our own baby food, and Scott made the first batch yesterday. We went and got organic carrots, sweet potatoes and green beans, and he pureed them yesterday. We bought some freezer containers made just for baby food and filled them up. We should have enough for a few weeks. We'll do green beans for 3 days, and as long as there aren't any reactions, we'll move on to carrots or sweet potatoes. Once they've tried all three, we'll try some fruit. Right now they are just getting one serving a day, but we'll move to two eventually. It certainly gets messy too - I think we'll be doing bath night every night pretty soon instead of every other night!
This past week wasn't as hot as it has been, so we've gotten to enjoy some outside time in the evenings. We sit out on the patio and I think Addison and Fischer really like it, especially when there is a nice breeze.
It seems like the babies are doing something new almost everyday. This week, they've both discovered their thumbs...uh oh! When we see them sucking their thumbs, we try giving them their pacis instead, but they are pretty sneaky about getting their thumbs back into their mouths. We'll keep replacing as much as we can though - it's much easier to get rid of their pacis later on than their thumbs! They also seem to be noticing each other a little bit more. They aren't smiling at each other yet, but they are touching each other more, grabbing each other, sucking on each others arms and hands and things like that. Sometimes it gets a little violent - I found Fischer holding on to Addison's toes really tight the other day while she was screaming. The fighting has already started! :) I'm looking forward to when they start really interacting and smiling at each other!
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