Sunday, November 22, 2009

It has been a big birthday weekend around here! Scott's birthday was yesterday, and Addison and Fischer are 9 months today.

For Scott's birthday, we went to a Birds of Prey Center in Awendaw. THat's what he wanted to do, so it was like a field trip. It was a lot of fun! They had all kinds of birds there, and even did a flight demonstration.  Addison and Fischer liked it when the birds were flying around, but didn't pay much attention to the birds that were sitting still. Addison, especially, loved the flight demonstration!

 Here are Scott and the babies with the bald Eagle....

The babies found some pine straw to play with (meaning they tried to eat it) while we waited for the flight demonstration to start...

We tried to get a family selfer.... poor Fischer only got part of his face in it, and Addison looks mad!

After that, we came home and had a nice birthday dinner at home. The babies sat in their high chairs while we ate and had some puffs and a little bit of our rice!

Today, the babies are 9 months old.  Because of Thanksgiving, they won't be going for their 9 month check up until December 3. I am curious to see how tall they are and how much they weigh! Their newest thing is to yell back and forth to each other. Fischer will do a loud "AAAHHHH" and the Addison does it back. It's pretty funny! Here they are this morning playing in their new favorite spot - the kitchen!

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