Friday, November 13, 2009

I've been letting the babies explore the house more and more now that they are crawling. It's good exercise for them, and it keeps them entertained for awhile. They were staying in the kitchen but they are getting brave and taking off into the other rooms! I've had to bring in the baby gate (that we bought for the dogs) and put it at one entrance of our kitchen. At least that keeps them a little bit contained.  The other side of our kitchen is very open to the living room so there really isn't a good way to block that off, except for buying one of the extra long baby gates.

You would think the hard floors would slow them down a little, but they don't even seem to notice.  Last night, they discovered that they could see outside through the kitchen door, so they sat and watched Sassy eat her dinner.

And here they are going in opposite directions (of course):

They also had some puffs in their highchairs, and I gave them each a spoon to practice/play with:

And Bo and Sassy were waiting on some food to fall:

Putting them in their highchairs with some puffs is a nice way of keeping them in once spot for at least 15 minutes! It keeps them entertained and I am able to sit for a minute or two.  Scott gets home today - he's been gone since Tuesday morning.  I know I'm ready to have an extra pair of hands and Addison and Fischer are ready to see their Daddy!

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