Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Last year, the babies were still behaving and staying put! I was 33 weeks and 1 day pregnant. No one could really believe I was still pregnant and holding steady at 4 cm. We were obviously happy though. I was, however, getting more uncomfortable by the day. I had a very quick ultrasound done and everything was looking good... so, we were sent home to wait some more! Here is a picture of their ultrasound from 32 weeks - they are pretty cramped in there, so it's hard to get a good view. It's hard to believe that this was a year ago already!

This year, things continue to change on a daily basis. Fischer's 4th tooth (his other fang!) broke through overnight. That makes 4 (and the same 4!) for each baby. I can see both of Fischer's top middle teeth through his gum, so I think those will be coming any day now.

We also have babies with very unruly hair. Although Addison doesn't have much, she has a patch that sticks straight up in the back, and so does Fischer. You can really see the patches in these pictures because of the way the sun is shining.  Addison continues to be called a boy, even when we have her dressed in all pink. I know people look at her hair, and because she doesn't have much, assume she's a boy. It'd be nice if we could use bows every now and then, although I'm pretty sure Fischer would yank them out.

They are both cruising on the furniture a lot now. I can tell how much bigger they are getting because they can now reach things in the middle of the coffee table, which means we have to hide our valuables. :)

Here are a couple more pictures from last night when we were doing baths.

Official Birthday Countdown:  13 Days!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe a boy and a girl set of twins is too much for most people to comprehend, they assume Addison is a boy. Put her in a tutu, maybe that'll help? She's definitely a girl tho. I can't understand most people, they still think they are identical... so it doesn't surprise me.
