Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A year ago today was a big day. I had my 34 week (we were so happy I'd made it this far!) doctor appointment, and I was allowed to remove the terbutaline pump.  I was very scared though, because I was very used to doing my monitoring twice a day and knowing how many contractions I was having.  No terbutaline pump also meant no in-home monitoring. I was so worried I wouldn't know when I was going into labor since I really hadn't been feeling the contractions I was having.

At the appointment, I was still 4 cm.  The doctor said we could remove the pump whenever we felt comfortable. So, that evening, we took it out. And waited.  The doctor said some people went into labor immediately, and some went several more weeks, sometimes even having to be induced! So, I had no idea how much longer I'd have to wait. The waiting was very hard and nerve-wracking.  I was still on bed rest, but it was nice to not have to worry about the pump anymore.

This year, we are gearing up for Addison and Fischer's first birthday party! Today, we are going to get their year pictures taken. I can't wait to see how they turn out!

Fischer has started crawling on his hands and knees! He is still army crawling, but using his hands and knees much more. He started doing it out of nowhere on Sunday, and continued to do it all day yesterday.  I also got him to say "uh-oh." I said it when he dropped a ball, and then told him to say it. It came out more like "uh-uh" but he did the same sounds as I did with his voice. So of course I kept asking him all day yesterday to say "uh-oh" because it's so cute to hear him repeat something! He also has the very beginnings of his 5th tooth. It has barely broken through but it's there. This tooth has been his worst so far for teething. He has had pretty much every teething symptom, except for fever.  I don't think Addison's 5th tooth is far behind, because she was pulling on her gums yesterday.

Addison used her car/walker several times yesterday to walk through the kitchen.  She usually takes about 5 steps then sits down. I've also noticed that she won't do it as much if she thinks I'm watching. If I seem to be busy doing something else, that's usually when she does it. Maybe she doesn't like the pressure of people watching! She has also started clapping a lot more...both when prompted and on her own. She's even clapping hard enough sometimes to actually  make the clapping sound!

Official Birthday Countdown:  6 Days!!

1 comment:

  1. That's funny about Addison! Mine are the same way. If they think we're not looking, they do a whole lot more!

    It's hard to believe they're going to be one soon! I know you guys are going to have a blast celebrating!
