Monday, June 28, 2010

Our weekend was fun, but very hot!

A couple of weeks ago, we got a new pool since our other one already had a slow leak in it - most likely thanks to one of our dogs! Our new pool is no baby pool! It's 8 feet in diameter and is over 2 feet deep. It's also big enough for both Addison and Fischer to be in their floats, while Scott and I get to relax a bit.  On Thursday afternoon, we decided we all needed to go for a "refreshing" dip in the pool. It was over 100 degrees outside, and the pool wasn't much cooler. We put a thermometer in the water, and it was reading close to 100. Not so refreshing....  So Scott went and got some ice, and dumped it in the pool to try and cool it off. It melted immediately, but did bring the water temperature down to a chilly 94 degrees. We did get in for a little while though, and it was fun! Addison and Fischer seem to like it this warm, rather than the cooler water a couple weeks ago. Here is our new pool - complete with a filter and a cover!

Saturday morning, we headed out to the lake for a swim. That water was also very warm, which Addison and Fischer seemed to like. Fischer's new favorite thing to do in the water is to put his face down and blow bubbles. He's always very proud of himself, but he also hasn't learned how to not inhale water when he does it. So after he drank quite a bit of lake water, we decided it was time to get out!

We had friends come Saturday night to watch the USC Baseball game (Go Cocks!!), and they spent the night and left yesterday. They have 2 daughters, 3 and 6 months. Addison and Fischer did so well playing with them, and they were all worn out!

Addison and Fischer enjoyed wearing their sunglasses this weekend:

They also got some new size 4 shoes (his are bright blue, and hers have a pink print), which they broke in on Saturday:

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