Tuesday, June 8, 2010

There are some things about being a mom that just aren't fun. Figuring out what to do about Fischer's biting problem is one of them! I've asked many other moms for advice, and several have told me to try "time out." Most of these moms say that their pediatricians recommend starting time out at 1, and doing a minute per year of age. Since yelling and using stern tones, separation, even biting him back (yes, I tried that too!) haven't worked, I figured I'd give time out a try. I've never been a big time out fan, but at Addison and Fischer's age, I sort of feel like it's the only appropriate form of discipline.

It had been 5 whole days since Fischer even tried to bite Addison, so I thought maybe the phase was over. I was wrong. He tried biting her yesterday, and then again this morning. Yesterday, it was in public in their stroller, so I had no way to do time out. This morning, I was prepared. We opted to strap him into an umbrella stroller and face him towards the wall. People suggested using the high chair facing the wall, but I don't want them to associate eating meals with punishment.  Others recommended using a crib, but I also don't want them to associate sleeping with punishment. So, the stroller it what we settled on.

He didn't get the chance to actually bite Addison this morning because I caught him in time. So, I picked him up, put him right in the stroller and faced it towards the wall for 1 minute. I waited for tears from him. Nothing. In fact, I think he was happy to be in the stroller.  The tears came when I took him OUT of the time out stroller. Great. That didn't work! I guess I will try it again and see how it goes.

We have an appointment with our new pediatrician on Friday (15 month check ups), so I am anxious to get her input on discipline. I am also anxious to get Addison and Fischer's official weights and heights!

Here are a few pictures... I'm doing a little bit better about taking pictures in June.

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