Friday, August 6, 2010

I helped Addison and Fischer make a sticker picture for Scott... it was their first time playing with stickers, and I think they enjoyed it. Scott's picture is now proudly hanging above his computer in his office. :)

Here is the finished product...

Addison and Fischer have been trying new things lately. We've been working on their jumping skills, which is pretty funny. They get very excited and try to say "jump" while going up on the tips of their toes.  The other day, Addison was trying every harder, and would lift one foot up off the floor, then the other, but you could tell she thought she was jumping!

They are both also smelling flowers now. Whenever we see pictures of flowers in their books, they sniff the page. Fischer sniffs correctly, but Addison is still blowing on the page, but thinks she is sniffing it. They have both done it outside too, with real flowers!

They are also answering questions more and more. Fischer likes to answer "nah" to almost everything. This morning, however, Addison answered yes to something! She had a dirty diaper, so I said "Addison, is your diaper poopy?" She looked at me and shook her head yes!

Unfortunately, as they are getting older and more verbal, they are starting to fight over toys more. They get very frustrated with each other! Sometimes we let them work it out on their own, but if it starts getting out of control, we step in. I've already had to take many toys away because they weren't sharing well.

Speaking of unfortunate events... we went to dinner with friends last night. Addison and Fischer did not behave well, and Scott and I were both pretty embarrassed. Luckily, our friends didn't seem to mind too much, but hopefully they are willing to go out with us again eventually. :) I know this is going to happen, and it's all part of having young children, but I don't think we were prepared because they are generally well behaved when we go out. I hope this isn't the start of a new phase... and if it is a phase, I hope it's a short one!

We are off to the beach this weekend, and I can't wait to see how they react to the water! They loved it back in March, so we'll see if they still love it now!

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