Sunday, August 29, 2010

Last Sunday was our last day in Pennsylvania. We spent the day outlet shopping (where Addison and Fisher got their first Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse stuffed animals), then relaxing at home. We were going to drive all night again to come home, so we tried to rest up a little bit for our trip. We left around 7:15 pm again, and got home around 5 am. We were exhausted, but once again, Addison and Fischer did great on the drive!

When we got home, there was a package waiting for us.  On and off, for the past year or so, I've searched for replacement "wubbies" for Addison and Fischer. They each received one as a gift before they were born. Once they started using them, I realized that it would be a good idea to purchase identical ones to have as back ups. I finally found one for Addison, so she finally has two. This is a great thing, because she has become extremely attached to her "wee-wee" and it's getting nastier by the day. I'm having to wash it a lot more now, so it's nice to have another one so that I don't have to rush between naps to get it washed! I'm still searching for Fischer's twin wubby! Here are Addison's - the new one on the left is so soft, and the colors are still so bright.

Other than that, things are getting back to normal around here after our trip. It takes awhile to get unpacked and caught up on laundry. It's taken a little longer to get back on track this time because Addison and Fischer have had colds for several days. Hopefully they are feeling all better very soon!

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