Tuesday, August 24, 2010

We just got back from a trip to Pennsylvania to visit Scott's family.  We drove overnight both there and back, and it was a success. Addison and Fischer did awesome, and I was so proud of them! I will post more about our trip soon!

While we were there, Addison and Fischer turned 18 months old. 18 months. A year and a half. I can't believe it. Now we are creeping up on them turning 2, which sort of terrifies me. :)  Here they are,  on their 18 month "birthday" playing on the porch at Grandma K's house.

At 18 months, they seem to be doing great. We don't have their checkup for a few more weeks, so I won't have their "stats" or official information until then.

Here are a few updates:

I think Fischer weighs more than Addison, and I know that he is taller than her.
They are both wearing 12-18 month clothes and size 4 shoes.
They wear size 4 diapers during the day, and size 5 at night.
Fischer has 16 teeth and Addison has her 14th coming in.
They both love food and love to drink water.
They still don't drink much juice at all.
They still get milk 3 times a day... Addison is still drinking soy milk. We are planning to try her on whole milk again this week or next week. We will just put a little whole milk in with her soy milk, and slowly increase the amount to see how she tolerates it.
They still nap twice a day.
They are sleeping pretty well - one will occasionally wake up, but it's been better over the past few weeks. They go to bed around 7:30 and wake up between 6:30 and 7.
They love watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Sesame Street.

I think their differences are becoming more and more clear each day as they get older. Fischer seems to be all boy, and wants to play rough most of the time. He loves playing with dirt and rocks when we go outside. Addison seems to be all girl, and loves cuddling toys and stuffed animals. She has even started saying "awww" or "ohhhh baby" as she holds them. And she will cuddle almost anything. The other day at lunch, they were eating lo mein. She took a noodle, held it against her stomach, wrapped her arms around it and cuddled it. Yep, a noodle. Then she ate it. :)  She is slowly filling up her crib with her "babies" so it's getting quite crowded in there. Right now, she is napping with Minnie Mouse, her turtle, her pig, her bear, her blanket and her wubbie.

Another difference I've noticed is how they react to us telling them "no." Fischer will go to do something he knows he isn't supposed to do, look at us, and walk away as soon as we say no (most of the time). Addison, on the other hand, looks at us and gives us a big smile while continuing to do whatever it is she isn't supposed to be doing! And it is SOO hard to keep a straight face when she does that.

They are saying more and more words these days (their newest being "nano" for piano, since Grandma K has a piano). Fischer also has his own little language that he talks in a lot.  Addison has also said a couple of two word phrases: "oh baby" as mentioned above, and "bye bye, bear."  They are both very stubborn about saying "please" and "thank you" but we are continuing to work on that.

These updates could go on and on, since they are doing so much right now, but I will stop for now.

Stay tuned for pictures from our trip!

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