Monday, November 29, 2010

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.  We had a wonderful one, and we are thankful for so many things this year!

Since we had a pretty busy holiday weekend, I will share some highlights!

1. We got to spend time with my family, which was very nice... we were with my parents, my grandma, my brother, and his wife and kids. It was a full house (we went to stay with my parents) but it was a lot of fun.

2.  Addison and Fischer got to try everything we ate for Thanksgiving! Last year, they were limited to mashed potatoes and puffs.

3.  Addison has really started saying thank you a lot... it sounds like "day doo."  On Thanksgiving night, as we were eating, Scott gave her some more food. She said "Day doo, Daddy, Day doo."  It was so cute and actually made me tear up a little!

4.  Fischer loved my nephew, Carter, and kept asking for him. He would walk around saying "Ca Ca?" They had fun playing together!

5.  I loved watching Addison and Fischer interact with their cousins, Carly and Carter. They are both so good with Addison and Fischer, and it was fun to sit back and watch them play.

6.  Addison and Fischer got to play in their first big pile of leaves... and I couldn't help but join in too!

7.  I love that Addison and Fischer got to spend some time with their Great Grandma.

8.  Addison and Fischer really seemed to enjoy coloring with crayons... up until now, they would just try to eat the crayons.

9.  Fischer has recently started "singing" "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." It's so cute to hear him singing over the monitor when he wakes up, or while he's playing.

10. Last but not least, Scott attempted the Thai Torture Wing Challenge at a restaurant near my parents house. He's been wanting to try it for awhile, so he figured there was no better time than the Friday after Thanksgiving.  We all went along for support, and to have a yummy Thai lunch of our own. The challenge was that he had to eat 12 of these HOT wings in 15 minutes. If he completed the challenge, he got his money back and a t-shirt. Sadly, he was only able to eat 2 of the wings. They were THAT hot. But, at least he tried. :)

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