Friday, April 5, 2013

A few weeks after the kids turned 4, I decided to make them each a chore chart. After some research on Pinterest, I found a style that I thought would work well for us.

They both have the same chores to do each day, except for taking out recycling and feeding Lucy, which they trade each week. The ones that stay on there are making their beds, quiet reading time, playing with Lucy, picking up toys before bed and putting on their own pajamas. They also have the chance each day to earn a bonus coin for their piggy banks. They can get these by doing extra chores, helping us do some things, or doing their chores without us having to ask.

It's been a few weeks since we started these and they really seem to enjoy doing them! They make their beds each morning on their own - I barely have to ask! Once they do a chore, they get to mark the circle with a dry erase marker on their chart, which they really like doing. Addison prefers to color in the whole circle in purple, while Fischer likes to do a red "x" on his chart. I love how different they are. :)

The charts were very easy to make! I found a free printable online, so printed two blank copies. Then I bought some self-laminating sheets and laminated each printed sheet. Next I wrote their names and list of chores, then put 2 magnets on the back of each one. It's easy enough to redo them each week to keep them looking fresh!

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