Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Today, November 17, is Prematurity Awareness Day. You can go to www.marchofdimes.com/fightforpreemies to learn more!

When I got pregnant, I didn't think I would have premature babies. I did think they would come a little early, which is normal for twins. I was hoping they would come around 37 or 38 weeks. Instead they were born at 35 weeks. We were very lucky that Addison and Fischer had to go to the Level 2 nursery rather than the NICU. And they spent only 8 days in the hospital.  Their main challenge while there was learning to suck. They can't be sent home until they can drink from a bottle. Until they learned how to do that, they were fed through a feeding tube that went in through their noses. They finally showed the nurses they were ready to remove the tubes permanently when they both pulled out their tubes on the same night!

Things could have been much different for us.  I went into preterm labor at 28 weeks, and spent the next 7 weeks on bedrest.  I was 4 cm dilated at 28 weeks, so I think everyone thought the babies were coming very soon. The babies stayed in long enough so I could receive the 2 steroid shots, and then they stayed in for much, much longer.

While it was hard to go home without our babies, we knew they were getting the best care possible while in the hospital. And there is something comforting knowing they are being watched 24 hours a day. Bringing them home was scary, but also very exciting.  Our main challenge when we got home was keeping them warm. They were still very small so it really was a challenge!

I am thankful for the March of Dimes and the research they do. Without it, I think our lives would be much different right now! Here are some then-and-now pictures!

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