Saturday, November 28, 2009

We had a great Thanksgiving! My parents came (for the 6th year in a row!) and it was a very relaxing time. It's always nice to have extra hands to help with the babies, especially now that they are so mobile! My mom and I went shopping, and Scott and I even got to go out and have a date night!

Here we are on our very first Thanksgiving with Addison and Fischer!

While my parents were here, Addison and Fischer got to take a bubble bath...

Addison got some help with walking...

And of course they got lots of hugs and kisses...

This morning, when my parents were getting ready to leave, they were saying their good-byes.  My dad was holding Fischer and said "bye-bye!" and Fischer said "baa-baa." I think he was just repeating the sounds, but it was exciting to hear!! He is saying "da da" and "baa baa" a lot, while Addison is saying "ma ma" and squealing most of the day.

Addison is pulling up and standing more than she is crawling now. Yesterday, she was in her "baby jail" holding onto the bars, and actually stepped around the corner and brought her feet back together! She seems very determined to be an early walker... we'll see if it happens or not soon enough!

Here they are saying bye to Grandma and Grandpa this morning. Addison is laughing and squealing.

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