Friday, October 22, 2010

Addison and Fischer are 20 months old today. They are only 4 months away from being 2! I hope these next 4 months go by slower than the past 20 have - I don't know if I'm ready for them to be 2. It seems so old, and they definitely won't be babies anymore. Not that they are babies right now, but since they are still 1, I feel like I can still call them that. They will always be my babies, but you get the point...

They have really started doing some funny things over the past few weeks.  For starters, Addison "talks" all the time now. We don't understand everything she says, but she certainly says a lot. On the way home from the fair, she talked for 40 minutes straight. I caught the words "mama," "dada," "bo," "sassy," "she she" (which I think is what she calls Fischer), "hi," "bye," "meow," and several more. She likes to clap and sing while talking too.

Fischer has become a ball of emotions recently. He has started having fits, but will suddenly snap out of it and give me a big hug and/or kiss. I think he is just passionate and isn't quite sure how to express his feelings yet. We will work through it together though!

We have befriended a white cat that lives down the street. We always stop to say hi when we are out walking, and Addison and Fischer love listening to it meow. Just recently, it actually let me pet it, and was rubbing all over the stroller. Now, if we are in the stroller or the car, they automatically think we are going to visit that cat and start saying "Meow meow? Home?"  Addison even tries to call it by saying "psst." Just yesterday, we walked by and the cat wasn't there and they actually both started crying!

Addison has also started singing her version of the alphabet. I finally realized what she was doing a few days ago. Whenever she sees a bunch of letters, or any of their alphabet books, she starts singing "Eeebe eeebe eeebe." She has also learned the word heavy, and will say "hehbee" when she is carrying a big book or toy around (or a pumpkin, like she did the other night while we were playing outside).

Yesterday, we were outside playing and Addison was holding my hand while we were walking around the yard. (One of their MAJOR differences is that Addison will willingly grab our hands while Fischer throws himself down if we try to hold his hand... we are working on that!). Anyway, I told her to go hold Fischer's hand, so she did. And then she started leading/dragging him around the yard...he didn't seem to mind, and was laughing most of the time. I love that they are interacting more and more each day!

Fischer still says "oct-ta" for please. I have no idea where this came from, and now Addison has started saying it too, even though she can also say "Pwwease." We've been working with Fischer for awhile to get him to say it the correct way. Sometimes I can get him to say the "pa" sound, and the "ease" sound, then I say "Puh-lease" and he says "Oct-ta!" Earlier today though, he said "Peas" so maybe we are on the right track?! We are also working on getting them to say the endings to words... for instance, they say "no" instead of "nose."

I have so many stories that I could share, but will save them for another day. I need to start putting them on here so I don't forget all of the funny things they've done! Sometimes I wish I could video tape everything they do, because it all goes by so fast.

These things, among many others, keep us laughing a lot of the time! Other than that, things are going well. Both are in size 5 diapers now. They both seem to be a little annoyed by the whole diaper thing. Addison tells us all the time now when she has a dirty or wet diaper, even if it isn't really dirty or wet. Addison suddenly started telling us that she had "pee pee" in her diaper on Saturday and hasn't stopped since. It's amazing how these things literally happen overnight!

It's getting hard to get a picture of them together, and you can forget about getting them both to look at the camera while sitting in one spot. Here are a few of my attempts for their 20 month pictures:

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