Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I ordered Addison and Fischer a picnic table last week, and have been so excited for it to arrive. It finally came and I set it up yesterday. My plan is to have this table be our arts and crafts table. Addison and Fischer are getting old enough to do some little projects, and I thought the table would be the perfect place. Also, it can easily be moved inside or outside... right now it will stay set up in our air-conditioned sunroom until it cools off and we can do more outside.

Here they are sitting at their table for the first time!

We gave them some shaving cream to play with...

Addison immediately put it in her mouth. She started drooling and was trying her best to spit it all out. I guess Fischer realized her reaction wasn't good because he never tasted any of it.

I expected Fischer to dive right in and get messy, but he was pretty hesitant...

It wasn't long before they strayed from the table and touched almost everything in the sunroom with their cream-covered hands. Then, it was bath time. After a bath, they relaxed on the couch and watched some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

I can't wait to try some more projects with them!

1 comment:

  1. I love the table! It looks like Gamecock colors in the photo too! :)
