Friday, April 16, 2010

I went to dinner last night with some friends. It was nice to get out, but I think Addison was mad at me this morning for not being here to put her to bed last night. When I walked into their room this morning, she didn't reach for me as she usually does. In fact, she looked the other way! As the morning went on, I'd smile at her, and she'd just stare at me. She's slowly warmed back up to me, but I really do think she was mad.  Or, maybe she was upset that I missed her first 2 steps.  That's right, she took 2 steps to Scott while I was out. I actually saw her take one yesterday, but I think it was completely on accident.  Last night, she walked to him on purpose. I'm sad I missed it, but glad that they had a daddy/daughter moment! And, I think she has finally forgiven me for not being here. :)

In addition to taking the steps, Addison also has her 6th tooth!! She now has 3 on the bottom and 3 on top. Fischer is still holding steady at 7 - 4 on top and 3 on the bottom.  She was pretty fussy yesterday, so I'm thinking the tooth could be why.

Fischer seems to be gaining confidence in the walking department.  Yesterday, he tried many times to take more than 2 steps. He succeeded once, and took 3. The rest of the time, he took two before falling (usually into my lap) but he kept popping right back up to try again.  We'll see what today holds for them!

Packing is slow-going. It's almost impossible to pack with 2 one year olds "helping." Here are a few pictures of them helping me out... they did get into the tupperware cabinet, and they thought that was a fun adventure.

They also go through phases now where they like to give each other kisses. I caught them in the act on Wednesday!

And, Scott got them dressed on Tuesday, and they are dressed like twins. Hehe. :)

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