Tuesday, April 20, 2010

With Scott being in Japan and the fact that we are moving in a week, things are extra busy around here. Addison and Fischer are keeping me busy, as usual. On Sunday, Fischer seemed extra determined to walk. He even took 7 steps one time, and 4 steps on many other occasions. Anytime he'd fall, he'd get right back up and try again.  Yesterday and today, however, he seems to be taking a break. Maybe his legs are tired. :)

Addison is taking a couple steps here and there, but is mostly using her walker. She is walking laps around the house, and doesn't let anything get in her way... including Fischer. He likes to crawl in front of her walker, and she will just run right into him. It's funny to stand back and watch them.

Addison seems to be doing better with her naps, so for now, we are staying on the 2 naps a day schedule. She is still crying for awhile at night before going to sleep though.  She started that about 2 weeks ago. Scott and I sort of think she doesn't like that their room has light coming in when they go to bed, despite the dark shades.

I think Fischer has started saying "ow" or "up" or maybe both.  I noticed the other day he was saying what sounded like "up" when he was trying to climb on something. He's said it several times since, and I think he's said "ow" on several occasions too.  It's fun trying to figure out what new words they are trying to say! Yesterday, while walking, we stopped to talk to a neighbor and his dog. The dog was sniffing Addison and Fischer's toes and Addison kept saying "Bo" and Fischer kept saying "Dog." It's so neat to see that they associate our dog with other dogs... or it could be that Addison thinks the word for dog is bo.

Here are a few pictures from the past few days.

This picture makes me laugh - are these the looks I have to look forward to when she's a teenager?

Addison is trying to climb on everything!

Fischer has a mouth full of teeth.

Spoon practice!

Going for a walk around the house.

1 comment:

  1. What cute pictures! I love the one of Addison's "look". Karyssa gives me those all of the time! Good luck with your packing and the move. I'm so excited about having you guys closer to us!!
