Thursday, December 9, 2010

Addison and Fischer are at such a fun age right now! I love everything they do (well, almost everything) but here are a few of my favorite things that have happened recently...

1. When Addison gets a burst of energy, she starts running around saying "Hi mommy! Hi daddy! Hi Bo! Hi she she (still her name for Fischer)!" She says it over and over, really fast, and gets herself out of breath.

2. Fischer likes to say "hi" to everything. Just recently, he has started saying hi to strangers a lot more. Yesterday, he greeted a little boy at the children's museum with a very enthusiastic "HI!" then pointed out his eye, while almost poking it. Thankfully he didn't, but it was funny. :)

3.  Addison is quite the care-taker. She is worried about any child she hears crying, and any object that happens to fall on the floor. If a toy or piece of food falls (or anything else), she is very concerned. She gets a very worried look and said "tay?! tay?!" Then she picks up the object and gives it a hug. If Fischer is crying, she will rub his head or pat his back. Just the other night while we were eating dinner, she dropped a potato. She said "Oh no! Tay?!" Then rubbed the potato for a few seconds, before putting it in her mouth and biting it really hard. If that doesn't say she cares, I don't know what does!

4. They both are saying "I don't know" now and the tone in their voice and hand movements are almost identical to what I do. They really do copy everything!

5. They are also both saying "hush, Bo" which is what I say when he barks. This started the other day and while it's funny, I have to make sure they don't tell Bo to hush all the time!

6.  Addison twirls when she's wearing dresses now!

7.  Fischer is all boy, most of the time. But every now and then, he still likes to cuddle (which he calls cuckle).

8. When we lost Sassy, we buried her on our lot, knowing we'd eventually be moving there. Now that our house is underway, we ride out there quite a bit to check on things. Whenever we pull into the "driveway" Addison and Fischer say "Hi Sassy." It makes me smile everytime!

9. They are getting very good at cleaning up their toys, putting dirty clothes in the hamper or dirty diapers in the diaper pail.

10. They love looking at our Christmas tree. If the lights aren't turned on, Addison says "on! on!" until I turn them on. Then, Fischer says "hi tee!" I can't wait to take them to look at Christmas lights - I think they will really like them this year!

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