Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I hate it when the kids are sick. It's frustrating when we try to keep them healthy, and they get sick anyway. Sometimes it seems like anytime we leave the house, someone ends up sick. But, I guess we'll just deal with it because we can't stay home all the time.

We had to visit the doctor yesterday afternoon. Fischer had been feeling yucky for several days, and it just seemed to be getting worse, and new symptoms kept popping up. Sunday, he had a rash on the bottom of his feet. How weird is that?! He didn't seem bothered by it at all though, so we gave him some Benadryl before bed just incase it got worse. The rash was still there in the morning, but again, he didn't seem bothered by it. Unfortunately, he also woke up with a nasty sounding cough. It was dry, deep, and sounded painful. That continued throughout the day, along with the rash.

By Tuesday morning, the rash was fading but the cough was still there, along with some congestion. He didn't have a runny nose, but sounded very stuffy. He also sounded very hoarse when he tried to talk. So pitiful! And, he was in a very bad mood. He was extremely emotional and would scream and cry over the tiniest thing. It was obvious he felt awful.  To make matters worse, he developed a very, VERY bad diaper rash. Sort of out of nowhere, and his stomach was clearly very upset. By yesterday afternoon, we couldn't take it anymore so I called the doctor. The nurse said to bring him in after I described the symptoms.

Luckily, Scott was around so I handed Addison off to him and was able to just take Fischer to the doctor. One kid is so much more manageable in a setting like that! After meeting with the doctor, she said he has croupe (whooping cough). She said the rashes were most likely related since it's a virus. She also got to see his diaper rash first hand, as I had to change him while we were waiting on her to enter the room. I'm sure the whole office heard him crying because he was in such pain. It was awful... and, his diaper was so bad that it leaked out of his diaper, through his shorts and onto my white skirt. I was quickly reminded why I never wear white pants or skirts anymore! :)

Anyway, she prescribed him prednisone and a prescription-strength diaper cream, along with an over the counter cough medicine. He woke up this morning feeling, and acting, like a new child!! I am so happy I decided to take him to the doctor because the medicine worked so quickly! He even felt good enough to play outside this afternoon, and he and Addison played nicely together in their pool for quite awhile.

Now, I just have to be on the lookout for symptoms in Addison, but so far so good!

In toddler bed news, the kids are doing great!! It's been over a week now and I can't complain. They didn't nap yesterday but I think it was because Fischer was out of sorts, which made Addison out of sorts. They are still getting up a bit earlier than they used to, but napping a big longer, so it all evens out!

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