Wednesday, June 1, 2011

This will be quick, since it seems Addison and Fischer aren't going to nap in their new beds today! I totally expected this though. They are in there playing and giggling, which is pretty funny to listen to.

Their first night in toddler beds went pretty well! It took them awhile to settle down... Fischer was so excited and we kept hearing the pitter patter of little feed running around the room. We went in several times and got them back into their beds. Eventually, Addison stayed in hers and it was clear that Fischer was bothering her and trying to play. Overall, we ended up having more issues with Fischer than Addison, which I wasn't expecting.

Once they were both finally asleep, the night went smoothly. Fischer woke up once and cried. I think he was confused about where he was. He quickly went back to sleep after Scott went in, laid him back down and covered him back up. About 30 minutes after that, Addison fell out of her bed. She cried, I put her back in, and she was right back to sleep. Then they slept the rest of the night!

But this morning was an early morning. We heard the pitter patter again around 6. Then I heard "Sissy! Wake up!!" They stayed in their room and played for awhile so we didn't have to roll out of bed right away.

We'll see how tonight goes. Hopefully just as well, if not better!!

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