Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Some big things are happening today!

My parents celebrated their 37th anniversary today. 37 years! That's awesome! Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad! :)

Addison and Fischer celebrated their 28 month "birthday" today.  Even though I'm not counting the months like I used to, I still notice the 22nd of each month. In just so happened that their new booster seats got delivered today, so we made the switch from high chairs to booster seats. They look like such big kids sitting at the table like one of us!! They seemed to like their seats though.

Here they are in their high chairs, in June 2009. I think this was the day Scott put them together. The picture of Addison is one of my favorites because of the look on her face.  She's staring at the rice cereal like "You want me to eat what?!"

And lastly, our house was inspected today. And everything went well! So, we got the "ok" to start moving stuff in and we will close next week!! Scott took some stuff over tonight but the cleaners are still cleaning so we don't want to take too much over until they are done. We plan to move most of our stuff Friday and Saturday, and if all goes according to plan, we will spend our first night there on Saturday. We have NO idea how Addison and Fischer will react, but we will know soon enough!

The next few days will probably be pretty hectic, and then we'll be without cable and internet for a few days (I hope I can survive!!), so it will probably be awhile before I post again! I'm sure I'll have a lot of house updates....

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