Thursday, June 2, 2011

Just a few toddler bed updates:

I was wrong about their naps yesterday. After about an hour of playing, they actually went to sleep, and slept for almost 2 hours! I was very excited!

Their bedding arrived yesterday, so Addison "helped" me make their beds. They went to bed last night, we made them "cozy" and they fell right to sleep. Not even a peep. We'll see tonight if that was a fluke or not. Fischer did fall out of the bed once last night, but other than that, they slept great....

Until 5:30 this morning, that is. They decided to start their day very early. I went in there and tried to get them to lay back down, which they did as long as I stayed in the room, until 6. I've been hearing that this is normal and that they will eventually start waking up later again. I sure hope so!

They are in there now for naps, and once again, they are playing. They are extra tired today so I hope they nap or it could be a long afternoon!

Here is what their bedding looks like... I couldn't get a picture of Fischer's from the website, but it's the same as Addison's except it's blue instead of pink. I always go for the blue/brown and pink/brown combinations. Eventually I'll have to do another color scheme!  Each set has 4 pieces: 1 flat sheet, 1 fitted sheet, 1 pillowcase and a reversible comforter! I will post pictures of their actual beds (this is from the website) made up soon.

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