Sunday, October 30, 2011

Wednesday, we took the kids to Boo at the Zoo. We went last year, but they didn't even know what candy was yet! This year was so different and so fun! It's so fun to see them get so excited about things. If they were this excited about trick-or-treating, I can only imagine how excited they will be when it's time for Santa to visit!

We went to dinner at Chick-Fil-A before going to the zoo. The kids wore their costumes the whole time, and managed not to get any ketchup or barbecue sauce on them! A small miracle. :)

We stayed at the zoo for about an hour. We took the wagon but they ended up walking the entire time. Addison got SO excited each time she saw a candy stand and took off running saying "trick-or-treat!". Fischer was excited too but seemed much more phased by all of the lights and costumes so we kept having to remind him to go up to the stands, and walk with us. :)  They got some good stuff which I have been sampling throughout the week. They are getting to pick a small surprise out of their pumpkins everyday or every other day.

If that wasn't enough excitement, their school party was on Thursday so they got to wear their costumes again! They came home with goody bags and balloons and I later found out they got to eat orange donuts at school! It was their first ever school holiday party and I think they loved it!

Here are a few pictures from Boo at the Zoo:

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