Friday, February 10, 2012

We might as well make it a family affair - all 4 of us are now on antibiotics. But hopefully this means we can finally get rid of whatever this is instead of passing it back and forth!

Because of all the sickness, I keep forgetting how close we are to Addison and Fischer's birthday! It's less than 2 weeks away - I can hardly believe it. Their party is planned for a few days before their actual birthday so I'm not sure what we will do on the actual day. They don't have school that day so I need to come up with something fun to do!

We finally got a call about Addison's ENT appointment, and we will be going there on February 23. At least they were nice enough to make it the day after her birthday! That's also the day they get to celebrate their birthdays at schools so I'm sure it'll be great fun to take a sugared up 3 year old to an appointment like that.  Oh well! :)

Anyway, it looks like we'll be taking it easy this weekend and trying to rest and finally get healthy. I hope you all have a great weekend!

Here is a picture from last year's birthday party - how is it possible that an entire year has already passed?!

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