Sunday, August 30, 2009

We've had a busy weekend, and the babies handled it very well. Friday, they went to stay at a friend's mom's house for part of the day (thanks Brenda!!) while I got a much needed break. I came home and relaxed after dropping them off, and only folded one load of laundry the whole time. They did pretty well for Brenda... Addison cried for awhile, but that's not really shocking since that's how she is a lot of the time anyway. :)

Saturday morning we packed up the car and headed to Camden to visit Jim and Dianne. Jim and Dianne hadn't seen the babies since they were a week old and still in the hospital, so they were very surprised by how different they were. We left right after the babies ate at noon so that they would take their normal nap in the car. They both slept almost the entire 2 hours. They loved all of the extra attention at their house yesterday and this morning. They didn't sleep the best in their peapods, and we are thinking we may have to start taking the pack 'n' play with us for Addison because she really had a hard time sleeping last night Hopefully they'll sleep good tonight since they'll be back in their own cribs.

We are planning on letting them try their sippy cups with some water today or tomorrow. Stay tuned for pictures of that! :)

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