Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I guess I spoke too soon when I said we were done going to the Dr. until December 3. I took Fischer this morning to get his ears checked out because he's been pulling on and touching his left ear for a few days and it was much more frequent yesterday.  Luckily, the Dr. said his ears are perfect and that it's most likely related to his teething.  I then asked the Dr. if he thought his teeth were close because I feel like this teething thing has been going on forever.  Dr. B said he has quit guessing on that because there is just no real way to know and he's never right.  So, we'll keep waiting.... :) Oh, and he was 15 pounds 4 ounces (with clothes on) today!

Fischer has also become quite verbal over the past week.  He has starting saying "dadadadadada" and "naa naa naa." He's quite proud of these sounds and talks a lot.  Addison makes a lot of noise but hasn't started making any letter sounds yet.

We are happy to announce that the babies are officially on the SAME formula for all of their bottles! YAY!! And they seem to be tolerating it very well and continue to eat very well. Because they are getting so big, it's becoming harder to wrap them in their towels after a bath because the towels are small.  So, I got them some new ones! In the pictures below, since you can only see their faces, I think they look a lot alike.

I also forgot to mention that they had their first avacado the other night. I've heard stories of how much other babies love them, so I was a little surprised that Addison and Fischer didn't seem to really love it. They did love putting their fingers in it and playing with it though.

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