Friday, July 30, 2010

Last week, we had to run to Wal-Mart to get a few things. While we were there, we picked up this big green ball for Addison and Fischer to play with.

As soon as we walked in the door, Scott and I both said "we should've bought two balls." I don't know why we didn't. The thought didn't even cross our minds when we were in Wal-Mart. Addison and Fischer do OK sharing toys, but with certain items (like big bouncing balls), it just helps to have two on hand. We tried letting them play with it anyway, but they immediately started fighting over it, and it was turning ugly. So, the ball had to be put away until we could go get another one.  Yesterday, we finally got another one!

They have had the best time playing with them. You can see that Addison is showing hers off to Bo, who is hanging out in the (air-conditioned) sunroom!

In other news, Addison has had a slight fever over the past couple of days. I was finally able to feel around in her mouth and found that her 4th molar has just broken through, which is probably why she has a fever. She seems fine otherwise, which is always good news.  That brings her up to 12 teeth!

They have both been saying many new words. I was trying to keep up with them, and it became stressful for me, so I stopped. I have a mental list, but have stopped worrying about writing them all down.  Fischer will repeat any word we say, and he is saying many, many words on his own.  Addison had a slower spell where she stopped using as many new words, but I've noticed that it's picking back up now. I think she was happy letting Fischer answer all the questions, and do all the talking.

Fischer is going through a waking-up-at-night phase. It's been almost nightly now for about 2 weeks. He wakes up and cries, and sounds like he's panicking some of the time.  I talked to the nurse, wondering if it was his reflux bothering him. So, we decided to start up his morning dose of Zantac again (they were both just getting it at dinner). That seemed to do the trick for 3 nights, then he was back to waking up again. So, I'm thinking it's just a phase, but hate that he might be having bad dreams or something like that. All we can do is comfort him and hopefully he'll be out of this phase soon!

We are looking forward to a weekend at home with nothing big planned. Sometimes those are the best!

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