Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Easter bunny came and left Addison and Fischer some goodies for Easter. They had fun going through their baskets this year! They got a lot of books (their favorite), some cars, a plastic horse, water color paints, slinkies (which are already broken), magnifying glasses, bunny ears, and a few other things. Scott and I had to laugh as they pulled out their magnifying glasses... I was fully expecting to have to explain what to do with them, but Fischer said "Fying glass!" and Addison immediately put hers up to her eye. They are such smart little things. :)

During nap, Scott and I hid some plastic eggs outside. The kids quickly caught on to what they were supposed to do and had a great time. Addison kept saying "I find more?!" She was very into the whole thing. The first picture is of them waiting to go out and start hunting eggs - I'm not sure why Addison looks so scared.

After the egg hunt, we filled their new water table up. It's supposed to be sand on one side and water on the other, but we just put water in both sides. We put all of the eggs in the water, along with a few of the toys that came with it, and they had a great time splashing and getting wet!

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