Thursday, August 25, 2011

Today was day 2 of preschool for Addison and Fischer. I was worried that they (mostly Addison) wouldn't do as well as Tuesday since they knew what to expect when they were being dropped off. Maybe it was my mommy instinct, but I was 100% correct!

Fischer did great! Addison, on the other hand, apparently cried most of the 3 hours. She was fine this morning while getting dressed, and even seemed excited when she was getting into the car. Scott said she was fine when they were walking in. It was when she realized he was leaving that she started freaking out. I'm so glad I wasn't there to see it. But, next week I have to take them all by myself, so I'm sure I'll get to witness a freak out then. :(

The teachers are great, and assured me that even though she cried a lot, she is doing ok! And they said she's even having some fun. :) She did wear her backpack all day today - I guess it was comforting for her. She stopped crying when they sang, read and played with play-doh. She cried during their playground time though, and mostly stayed by the fence, according to her teacher. She's also refusing to use the potty at school, which doesn't surprise me at all. Fischer is doing really well with the potty at school though - he's using the tiny little toilets a lot! I think those tiny little toilets are so cute.

According to Fischer, they sang "Itsy-Bitsy Spider" and the "ABCs" during circle time both Tuesday and today. They also painted today, ate cookies for a snack and played with trucks. Fischer can't stop talking about the trucks!!

I do already feel like they are learning some things. Before school, they would never sing the ABCs and would rarely let me sing it without saying "I don't like that song!!" But Tuesday afternoon, after he told me they sang it during circle time, he sang the entire thing. He and Addison have both sang it several times since. I didn't even know they knew it!! I can't wait to see what other kinds of things they start saying and doing at home that they learn in class! They have also started calling each other, and me, "friend" because their teacher will say "Hi friend!" when they walk in. They really do soak everything up like little sponges!

Tomorrow we have their 2 1/2 year check up. I'm anxious to get their current weights and heights! I will post an update soon.

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